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mine dreamsolicitó una traducción hace 9 años
¿Cómo traducir? (ru-en)

Полночи смеялся. Полночи плакал. Полночи ловил стрекоз. Я так испугался, что ты исчезнешь. И снова к тебе приполз.

Traducciones de usuarios (1)

  1. 1.

    I was laughing a half of the night. I was crying a half of the night. I was catching the dragon-flies a half of the night.

    El comentario del traductor

    I was laughing a half of the night. I was crying a half of the night. I was catching the dragon-flies a half of the night. I was so afraid that you will disappear. And crawled back to you.

    Traducción agregada por mary love


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