Андриолли 1publicó un comentario 2 years ago
He wanted to hit the dog, but dropped and broke his toe. (?)
Хотел пнуть собачку, но упал и сломал себе палец.
He was trying to kick the dog, and he fell down and broke his finger.
He wanted to hit the dog, but dropped and broke his toe. (?)
That was strange cruel man. And this sweet dog wagging his tail...
We mean here (он)
Was wagging
A strange
It's from a video. The dog was on the one side of the road, a man was walking on the other one. Then he sharply changes his direction and try to kick the dog. Perhaps he slipped, but that looked like a punishment.
Then my translation is correct with AND and not BUT.
А в русском но. It's correct)