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Boston Bruinssolicitó una traducción 3 years ago
¿Cómo traducir? (ru-en)

привет, у тебя потрясающий результат, я очень рад за тебя. Напиши, пожалуйста, препараты, которые ты используешь.

Traducciones de usuarios (1)

  1. 1.

    Your results are amazing. I'm very happy for you. Please write down what/the names of the medications you're taking.

    Traducción agregada por ⦿ ULY
    Oro ru-en

Discusión (19)

grumblerpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

write down - разве это не "ЗАписать"?
"напиши" здесь означает "напиши/пришли мне"

⦿ ULYpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

So write them down and send them to me?

grumblerpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

Думаю, down здесь лишнее.

Я буду тебе писать (письма)
Пиши (мне) почаще
Напиши (мне), как у тебя дела
Напиши (мне), какя у вас погода
Напиши (мне), как ты себя чувствуешь и какие лекарства принимаешь

grumblerpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

let me know all the medications you're (currently) taking (?)

⦿ ULYpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

When we list things for someone, we write them down: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22write+down+all+medications%22&client=firefox-b-1-d&hl=en&sxsrf=ALeKk03-KpitrJjE5aRKxMZWK903egzP_A%3A1626011147238&ei=C_bqYLrzDZCqtQbC947QDA&oq=%22write+down+all+medications%22&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQghEKABMgUIIRCrAjoHCCMQsAMQJzoHCAAQRxCwAzoHCC4QsAMQQzoECCMQJzoFCAAQkQI6CAgAELEDEIMBOg4ILhCxAxCDARDHARCjAjoLCC4QsQMQxwEQowI6BAgAEEM6BQguELEDOgIIADoHCAAQQxCLAzoFCAAQiwM6EQguELEDEIMBEMcBEK8BEIsDOggIABCxAxCLAzoHCAAQsQMQQzoKCAAQsQMQChCLAzoFCAAQsQM6BQguEIsDOgUIABDLAToGCAAQFhAeOgUIABCGAzoHCCEQChCgAToICCEQFhAdEB5KBAhBGABQotDEAliR88QCYMf1xAJoA3ACeACAAcABiAHWHJIBBDAuMjmYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6yAEKuAECwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwj6pNPGk9vxAhUQVc0KHcK7A8oQ4dUDCA0&uact=5

grumblerpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

First, write down all medications your parent is taking - во-первых, запишите/записывайте все лекарства, которые ваши родители принимают

Write down all medications and herbal products you are taking and have them ready to bring with you. - Составьте список .... и имейте его наготове ...

It is important to write down all medications you are currently taking - Важно записать (/составить список)

И т.д. - все в том же духе. Везде действительно нужен (полный, формальный) список.

В данном же случае человеку просто интересно, от каких лекарств такой хороший результат, и просит сообщить. Если бы это был телефонный разговор, просто спросил бы, какие лекарства собеседник принимает. "Написать" в данном случае - просто способ коммуникации.

Я не настаиваю - сам решай, и Дмитрий пусть сам думает.

grumblerpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

И даже all здесь лишнее IMO.

⦿ ULYpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

I agree. I just reworded it, but I don’t understand why we can’t use WRITE in both languages.

⦿ ULYpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

Is it because we say “write down” without “for me”? In some contexts it’s not necessary. For instance with RECOMMEND and EXPLAIN, “to me” sounds unnatural: Please recommend something I can watch with my children on Netflix. -or- I’d appreciate it if you could explain your reasons for leaving the US.

⦿ ULYpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

The same applies here. We say WRITE DOWN in the sense of putting it down on paper so that *I* can remember it, reference it, etc.: “I really enjoyed chatting with you. Please write down your number I’d love to meet up again.”

grumblerpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

To me your translation sounds like "запиши лекарства и храни список, имей его наготове" - like in most examples in google.

⦿ ULYpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

And I’m trying to explain that in this context, it means write them down FOR ME, we just don’t say that outright.

⦿ ULYpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

He makes it clear that the purpose is to eventually “mail it to me” or “text it to our show”… I just WANT a record…

grumblerpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

Yes, for a record - hence DOWN.
And what if it wasn't followed by "mail or text" - like in this case?
I don't even understand why the name has to be written down, not just texted or e-mailed - unless it for the other person's own record.

grumblerpublicó un comentario 3 years ago


⦿ ULYpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

Because when you say WRITE DOWN, it tells the listener that your requesting the information, as a favor, for your reference, etc. By that logic “Write down your phone number” is another way of asking “May I have your phone number?” except that you don’t have to specify “may I have” or “for me.” In the context of this post, if I saw what good results you got from your medications and I wanted to try them myself, I’d naturally say “Hmmm, write down the names of your medications I’ve been looking for something to help with my acne.”

grumblerpublicó un comentario 3 years ago

OK, you know better, but for me "write it down" in this context wouldn't imply sending the information in the nearest communications. Most likely, it's just me.

⦿ ULYpublicó un comentario 3 years ago


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