“Sit in on” that’s interesting. I’ve never encountered that before. I’m taking a note of it
можно ли мне посидеть на вашем занятии
Can I sit in on your class?
"sit in on" a class, meeting, etc. means that you're just sitting, observing, you're not a participant.
May I attend your class?
Can I sit in your class?
“Sit in on” that’s interesting. I’ve never encountered that before. I’m taking a note of it
Uly does it mean that my variant implies a person asking for a permission to sit in a class and take part in it?
It has to be something that’s in session, and you’re just an observer. By the way, you stress the word “in”: Can I sit ín on your cláss?
Oh I got it!👍🏻
No, you’re version sounds like you need a place to sit because it’s raining, for example. In other words, in your example it sounds more like a place (classroom) and not like something that’s in session (class).
Yes I got the point. Thank you!👍🏻
But more importantly, did I interpret the Russian sentence correctly?
You mean this one? Yes it is 100% correct!👍🏻
Great 👍🏼
In Russian you can also say "побыть", "поприсутствовать".
Someone can also ask you to sit in on a conversation if they want a disinterested third party present.
I think Kayrat didn't get the memo 😜
... поприсутствовать во время разговора, если они хотят выступить в роли третьей незаинтересованной стороны. Вроде так.)
Я думаю Кайрат не понял сути😜
"didn't get the memo" is a humorous expression. MEMO is short for "interoffice memorandum," which is an announcement sent out to all employees of a company. We use this expression in situations where everyone knows something that one person doesn't. For instance, if you throw a "white party" and one of your friends shows up in a blue dress, you could whisper to your girlfriend "I guess Kelly didn't get the memo."
In this example, you, Tatiana and I have discussed this and know the meaning of the post, but Kayrat apparently didn't get the memo.
“Не понял намёка» это шутливое выражение. MEMO это сокращение от «внутриофисная переписка» в данном случае объявление рассылаемое всем сотрудникам компании. Мы используем это выражение в ситуациях когда все в курсе чего то важного, кроме одного человека. Например вы закатываете «белую вечеринку» а один из ваших друзей приходит в голубом наряде и тогда вы шепчете своей девушке «Похоже Келли не поняла намёка»
Надеюсь я все правильно понял 😀
Да! Спасибо!!! 😍
I add these translations to my Evernote and study them carefully.
Похоже, Келли одна НЕ В ТЕМЕ.)
НЕ В ТЕМЕ даже лучше👍🏻