an effective anti-HBsAg herb
- 1.
Эффективное средство против.....
А почему все так произошло Аня?
translation added by Евгений Марков
effective anti-HBsAg herb
biochemical evidence
- 1.
The found amount of analyte subtracted that of unspiked sample was divided by the added known amount of the standart substance.
- 1.
Найденное кол-во аналитика, вычтенное из чистейшего образца было разделено на добавленное известное кол-во стандарт. реактива.
translation added by Дмитрий ФедоровBronze en-ru
the recovery was determined by adding known amount of the standart substances, approximately 1 times the levels detected in...
Author’s comment
unspiked samples prior to extraction
- 1.
выход был обусловлен добавлением известного количества стандартных веществ (реактивов), примерно равного (см. пример)
translation added by Igor YurchenkoGold en-ru - 2.
см пример
translation added by Дмитрий ФедоровBronze en-ru
standarts were used to evaluate the intra- and inter-day precision
- 1.
стандарты использовались для оценки промежуточной прецизионности в пределах суток.
translation added by Andrew GalatinSilver en-ru
1 times the levels detected
to validate the accuracy
- 1.
подтвердить точность
translation added by Lazaruss - 2.
проверять точность
translation added by Andrew GalatinSilver en-ru - 3.
ратифицировать точность/соответствие
translation added by Дмитрий ФедоровBronze en-ru
the peak shape and resolution
were obtained by plotting the HPLC-generated peak areas versus the series of concentrations of dilute stock solution.
- 1.
см. коммент
translation added by Andrew GalatinSilver en-ru