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Кеша Трубицынasked for translation 8 anos atrás
How to translate? (ru-en)
Игрушки выполнены из хлопка, наполнитель - холлофайбер, личико - ручная вышивка мулине, у куклы волосы из мериносовой шерсти, крепко пришиты, юбочка и туфельки снимаются. У зайки шуршат ушки и нашиты пуговки.
User translations (2)
- 1.
The toy's are made of cotton, filler - hollofayber face - embroidery floss, doll hair made from Merino wool, firmly sewn, the skirt and shoes are removable. The Bunny has rustling ears and sewn-on buttons.
translation added by Василий ХаринSilver ru-en0 - 2.
The toys are made of cotton, filled with holofiber, face is made embroidery floss, hair is made of Merino wool and tightly sewn, skirt and shoes are removable. Bunny has rustling ears and sewed-in buttons.
translation added by Mike UfaGold ru-en0