Андриолли 1added a comment 4 years ago
- What do you the most scared at?
- Чего ты боишься больше всего?
- Я боюсь не найти себя / не состояться, не самореализоваться (в профессии)
-What's your biggest fear?
-Unfulfilled potential/Not achieving/ Not fulfilling my true potential (in my profession) is what I fear greatly.
- What do you the most scared at?
I'm mostly afraid of not being successful in my professional. (?)
Something like that :)
Особенно меня интересует фраза "не состояться в чем-то"🤔
I'm afraid of not being able to fulfill my potential. (?)
Not to get professional realization / in my professional field (?)
-What's your biggest fear?
-Unfulfilled potential/Not achieving/ Not fulfilling my true potential (in my profession) is what I fear greatly.