Андриолли 1added a comment 4 года назад
I like the thrill sensations - to take a ride on the extreme carousels, to get into the difficult situations with a happy ending. (?
Я люблю острые ощущения: кататься на экстримальных каруселях, попадать в затруднительные ситуации с "хэппи эндом".
I love thrills/the thrill of certain things: riding extreme merry-go-rounds/carousels and getting into situations with a “happy ending.”
I like the thrill sensations - to take a ride on the extreme carousels, to get into the difficult situations with a happy ending. (?
Sharp sensations
I like to get/find my thrills: from extreme fanfare rides, from narrow escapes with a happy end.
“getting your thrills” has a sexual connotation, but then so does HAPPY ENDING so why not! 😂
Ули, спасибо за перевод.