без примеров с примерами Найдено в 2 словарях
Общая лексика Предназначен для электронного поиска и показа и совмещающим в себе функции переводного и толкового словаря. Большинство лексических значений снабжено толкованиями, комментариями об использовании, примерами употребления; многие включены в синонимические ряды и антонимические пары. vert [vɜːt]
сущ. ; разг. ; сокр. от convert
человек, обращённый в другую веру (обычно в католицизм)
гл. ; разг. ; сокр. от convert
переходить в другую веру (обычно в католицизм)
зелень , растительность
уст. право на вырубку леса и кустарника (в лесу)
геральд. зелёный цвет
Biology (En-Ru) vert сокр. от vertebra
сокр. от vertebrate
позвоночное (животное) || позвоночный
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Добавить в мой словарь Не найдено Формы слова prevert verb
Basic forms Past preverted Imperative prevert Present Participle (Participle I) preverting Past Participle (Participle II) preverted
Present Indefinite, Active Voice I prevert we prevert you prevert you prevert he/she/it preverts they prevert
Present Continuous, Active Voice I am preverting we are preverting you are preverting you are preverting he/she/it is preverting they are preverting
Present Perfect, Active Voice I have preverted we have preverted you have preverted you have preverted he/she/it has preverted they have preverted
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice I have been preverting we have been preverting you have been preverting you have been preverting he/she/it has been preverting they have been preverting
Past Indefinite, Active Voice I preverted we preverted you preverted you preverted he/she/it preverted they preverted
Past Continuous, Active Voice I was preverting we were preverting you were preverting you were preverting he/she/it was preverting they were preverting
Past Perfect, Active Voice I had preverted we had preverted you had preverted you had preverted he/she/it had preverted they had preverted
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice I had been preverting we had been preverting you had been preverting you had been preverting he/she/it had been preverting they had been preverting
Future Indefinite, Active Voice I shall/will prevert we shall/will prevert you will prevert you will prevert he/she/it will prevert they will prevert
Future Continuous, Active Voice I shall/will be preverting we shall/will be preverting you will be preverting you will be preverting he/she/it will be preverting they will be preverting
Future Perfect, Active Voice I shall/will have preverted we shall/will have preverted you will have preverted you will have preverted he/she/it will have preverted they will have preverted
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice I shall/will have been preverting we shall/will have been preverting you will have been preverting you will have been preverting he/she/it will have been preverting they will have been preverting
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice I should/would prevert we should/would prevert you would prevert you would prevert he/she/it would prevert they would prevert
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice I should/would be preverting we should/would be preverting you would be preverting you would be preverting he/she/it would be preverting they would be preverting
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice I should/would have preverted we should/would have preverted you would have preverted you would have preverted he/she/it would have preverted they would have preverted
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice I should/would have been preverting we should/would have been preverting you would have been preverting you would have been preverting he/she/it would have been preverting they would have been preverting
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice I am preverted we are preverted you are preverted you are preverted he/she/it is preverted they are preverted
Present Continuous, Passive Voice I am being preverted we are being preverted you are being preverted you are being preverted he/she/it is being preverted they are being preverted
Present Perfect, Passive Voice I have been preverted we have been preverted you have been preverted you have been preverted he/she/it has been preverted they have been preverted
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice I was preverted we were preverted you were preverted you were preverted he/she/it was preverted they were preverted
Past Continuous, Passive Voice I was being preverted we were being preverted you were being preverted you were being preverted he/she/it was being preverted they were being preverted
Past Perfect, Passive Voice I had been preverted we had been preverted you had been preverted you had been preverted he/she/it had been preverted they had been preverted
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice I shall/will be preverted we shall/will be preverted you will be preverted you will be preverted he/she/it will be preverted they will be preverted
Future Perfect, Passive Voice I shall/will have been preverted we shall/will have been preverted you will have been preverted you will have been preverted he/she/it will have been preverted they will have been preverted