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без примеровНайдено в 5 словарях

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[ɪn'herɪt] брит. / амер.


  1. наследовать; унаследовать; быть, стать наследником

  2. унаследовать, перенять

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Примеры из текстов

Supposing that anything happened to our young friend here — you will forgive the unpleasant hypothesis! — who would inherit the estate?”
Предположим, что с нашим юным другом что-нибудь случится... гипотеза не из приятных, но вы уж меня простите. Кто тогда наследует поместье?
Conan Doyle, Arthur / The Hound of the BaskervillesКонан Дойль, Артур / Собака Баскервилей
Собака Баскервилей
Конан Дойль, Артур
© "Нижне-Волжское книжное издательство", 1978
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Conan Doyle, Arthur
© 1901, 1902 by A. Conan Doyle
You bratty orphans are too stupid to realize it, but a genius like me knows that it may take a village to raise a child, but it only takes one child to inherit a fortune.
Вам, малявкам, по глупости не осознать того, что знает такой гений, как я: чтобы вырастить одного ребенка, может, и нужен целый город, но чтобы унаследовать состояние, требуется только один ребенок.
Snicket, Lemony / The Vile VillageСникет, Лемони / Гадкий городишко
Гадкий городишко
Сникет, Лемони
© Н. Рахманова, перевод
© «Азбука-классика», 2004
The Vile Village
Snicket, Lemony
© 2001 by Lemony Snicket
And the transistor shall inherit the earth."
Вот и после нас на Земле станет править транзистор.
Clarke, Arthur Charles / The PacifistКларк, Артур Чарльз / Пацифист
Кларк, Артур Чарльз
The Pacifist
Clarke, Arthur Charles
© 1956 by King Size Magazines
© renewed 1985 by Arthur C. Clarke
© 1957 by Arthur С. Clarke
The stored procedures are automatically available to process all subtypes of that type (that is, all subclasses inherit the method from the class).
Говоря объектно-ориентированным языком, методы класса наследуются всеми его подклассами.
Groff, James R.,Weinberg, Paul N. / SQL: The Complete ReferenceГрофф, Джеймс Р.,Вайнберг, Пол Н. / SQL: Полное руководство
SQL: Полное руководство
Грофф, Джеймс Р.,Вайнберг, Пол Н.
© Издательская группа BHV, Киев, 2001
© McGraw-Hill Companies, 1999
© Издательство "Ирина", Киев, 2001
SQL: The Complete Reference
Groff, James R.,Weinberg, Paul N.
© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies
Did one inherit madness?
Малкольм кивнул и продолжил:
Asprin, Robert / Dragons WildАсприн, Роберт / Игры драконов
Игры драконов
Асприн, Роберт
© 2008 by Bill Fawсett & Associates
© Перевод. И. Самоцветов, 2009
© Школа перевода В. Баканова, 2009
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
Dragons Wild
Asprin, Robert
© 2008 by Bill Fawcett & Associates
"Why does she have to inherit?"
— Почему она должна что-то наследовать?
Hemingway, Ernest / The Garden of EdenХемингуэй, Эрнест / Райский сад
Райский сад
Хемингуэй, Эрнест
© Hemingway Foreign Rights Trust, 1986
© Перевод. Г. Веснина, 2009
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
The Garden of Eden
Hemingway, Ernest
© 1986 by Mary Hemingway, John Hemingway, Patrick Hemingway, and Gregory Hemingway
I ask only this promise: Diego will inherit everything from you.
Я прошу тебя обещать мне только одно: ты завещаешь все Диего.
Card, Orson Scott / Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher ColumbusКард, Орсон Скот / Искупление Христофора Колумба
Искупление Христофора Колумба
Кард, Орсон Скот
Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus
Card, Orson Scott
© 1996 by Orson Scott Card
I am God's child, God created all good things including wealth, and I will to inherit it.
Я - дитя господне; все сущее - от господа, от господа и богатство, и я желаю унаследовать его.
Lewis, Sinclair / Elmer GantryЛьюис, Синклер / Элмер Гентри
Элмер Гентри
Льюис, Синклер
© Издательство "Правда", 1965
Elmer Gantry
Lewis, Sinclair
© 2002 by Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., New York, N.Y.
© 1927 by Harcourt, Inc.
© renewed 1955 by Michael Lewis
And I--all of us--Prince S. and everybody, believed that he was to inherit a large fortune from this uncle.
А я-то, а мы-то все и князь Щ. рассчитывали, что еще тот ему наследство оставит!
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / IdiotДостоевский, Фёдор / Идиот
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1971
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
© 2004 by Fine Creative Media, Inc.
If you gave the body a font size of 14 pixels, everything on the page should inherit that font size.
Если присвоить элементу body размер шрифта 14 пикселей, все элементы страницы должны унаследовать этот размер.
Budd, Andy,Moll, Cameron,Collison, Simon / CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards SolutionsБадд, Энди,Молл, Камерон,Коллизон, Саймон / Мастерская CSS: профессиональное применение Web-стандартов
Мастерская CSS: профессиональное применение Web-стандартов
Бадд, Энди,Молл, Камерон,Коллизон, Саймон
© Andy Budd, Cameron Moll, and Simon Collison 2006
© Издательский дом "Вильямc", 2007
CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions
Budd, Andy,Moll, Cameron,Collison, Simon
© 2006 by Andy Budd, Cameron Moll, and Simon Collison
Qatar replied that its Constitution guarantees the equality of men and women and that women have the right to own and inherit property.
Катар ответил, что его Конституция гарантирует равенство мужчин и женщин и женщины имеют право владеть имуществом и наследовать имущество.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
Those bated that inherit but the fall
Чей дар наследный был - паденье римлян),
Shakespeare, William / Alls Wel that ends WellШекспир, Вильям / Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается
Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается
Шекспир, Вильям
© Издательство "ACADEMIA", 1937
Alls Wel that ends Well
Shakespeare, William
© Susan Snyder 1993
Repeal of laws that discriminate against women with regard to inheritance and ownership of land and property, and guaranteeing women the right to inherit, including their deceased husband’s land and property;
отмене законов, допускающих дискриминацию в отношении женщин в области наследования и владения землей и имуществом, и гарантированию женщинам права на наследование, в том числе земли и собственности их умерших мужей;
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
If you die, your children inherit whatever the Clan allocates to them — you hold your estates from the Clan, they don't belong to you because without the Clan you would be nothing.
Если ты умираешь, твои дети наследуют то, что им отводит Клан… Ты владеешь своими имениями через Клан, но ты им не хозяйка, потому что без Клана ты была бы ничто.
Stross, Charles / The Family TradeСтросс, Чарльз / Семейное дело
Семейное дело
Стросс, Чарльз
The Family Trade
Stross, Charles
© 2004 by Charles Stross
The Campaign should focus on the role of women and the need to establish their right to, inter alia, own and inherit land and obtain housing loans.
В рамках этой кампании основное внимание должно быть сосредоточено на роли женщин и необходимости установления их права, в частности, на владение землей и ее наследование и получение ипотечных кредитов.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010

Добавить в мой словарь

ɪn'herɪtГлаголнаследовать; унаследовать; быть; стать наследникомПримеры

to inherit a fortune from an uncle — получить наследство от дяди

Переводы пользователей

Часть речи не указана

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    Перевод добавил ⦿ ULY
    Золото en-ru
  2. 2.


    Перевод добавил HotMiX


to inherit by default
наследовать за отсутствием других наследников
to inherit by default
наследовать за отсутствием других наследников претендентов на наследство
to inherit by a will
наследовать по завещанию
to inherit by a descent
наследовать по закону
to inherit
получать в наследство
entitled to inherit
имеющий право наследования
inherit by will
наследовать по завещанию
inherited disease
наследственная болезнь
inherited error
ошибка в исходных данных
inherited error
унаследованная ошибка
inherited institution
наследственный институт
inherited predisposition
наследственное предрасположение
inherited quality
врожденное качество
inherited universal acanthokeratolysis
врожденный универсальный акантокератолиз
be inherited

Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)inheriting
Past Participle (Participle II)inherited
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I inheritwe inherit
you inherityou inherit
he/she/it inheritsthey inherit
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am inheritingwe are inheriting
you are inheritingyou are inheriting
he/she/it is inheritingthey are inheriting
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have inheritedwe have inherited
you have inheritedyou have inherited
he/she/it has inheritedthey have inherited
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been inheritingwe have been inheriting
you have been inheritingyou have been inheriting
he/she/it has been inheritingthey have been inheriting
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I inheritedwe inherited
you inheritedyou inherited
he/she/it inheritedthey inherited
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was inheritingwe were inheriting
you were inheritingyou were inheriting
he/she/it was inheritingthey were inheriting
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had inheritedwe had inherited
you had inheritedyou had inherited
he/she/it had inheritedthey had inherited
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been inheritingwe had been inheriting
you had been inheritingyou had been inheriting
he/she/it had been inheritingthey had been inheriting
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will inheritwe shall/will inherit
you will inherityou will inherit
he/she/it will inheritthey will inherit
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be inheritingwe shall/will be inheriting
you will be inheritingyou will be inheriting
he/she/it will be inheritingthey will be inheriting
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have inheritedwe shall/will have inherited
you will have inheritedyou will have inherited
he/she/it will have inheritedthey will have inherited
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been inheritingwe shall/will have been inheriting
you will have been inheritingyou will have been inheriting
he/she/it will have been inheritingthey will have been inheriting
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would inheritwe should/would inherit
you would inherityou would inherit
he/she/it would inheritthey would inherit
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be inheritingwe should/would be inheriting
you would be inheritingyou would be inheriting
he/she/it would be inheritingthey would be inheriting
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have inheritedwe should/would have inherited
you would have inheritedyou would have inherited
he/she/it would have inheritedthey would have inherited
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been inheritingwe should/would have been inheriting
you would have been inheritingyou would have been inheriting
he/she/it would have been inheritingthey would have been inheriting
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am inheritedwe are inherited
you are inheritedyou are inherited
he/she/it is inheritedthey are inherited
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being inheritedwe are being inherited
you are being inheritedyou are being inherited
he/she/it is being inheritedthey are being inherited
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been inheritedwe have been inherited
you have been inheritedyou have been inherited
he/she/it has been inheritedthey have been inherited
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was inheritedwe were inherited
you were inheritedyou were inherited
he/she/it was inheritedthey were inherited
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being inheritedwe were being inherited
you were being inheritedyou were being inherited
he/she/it was being inheritedthey were being inherited
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been inheritedwe had been inherited
you had been inheritedyou had been inherited
he/she/it had been inheritedthey had been inherited
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be inheritedwe shall/will be inherited
you will be inheritedyou will be inherited
he/she/it will be inheritedthey will be inherited
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been inheritedwe shall/will have been inherited
you will have been inheritedyou will have been inherited
he/she/it will have been inheritedthey will have been inherited