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Общая лексика- Предназначен для электронного поиска и показа и совмещающим в себе функции переводного и толкового словаря. Большинство лексических значений снабжено толкованиями, комментариями об использовании, примерами употребления; многие включены в синонимические ряды и антонимические пары.
- Предназначен для электронного поиска и показа и совмещающим в себе функции переводного и толкового словаря. Большинство лексических значений снабжено толкованиями, комментариями об использовании, примерами употребления; многие включены в синонимические ряды и антонимические пары.
тесный, набитый битком
насыщенный, наполненный, полный (происшествиями, событиями)
сдавленный, стеснённый
Biology (En-Ru)
скученный, густорасположенный, частый
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тематические словари
Примеры из текстов
For better or for worse, our library doesn't get very crowded.К счастью или к несчастью, здесь много народу не бывает.Murakami, Haruki / Kafka on the shoreМураками, Харуки / Кафка на пляжеКафка на пляжеМураками, Харуки© Haruki Murakami, 2002© Перевод. С. Логачев, И. Логачев, 2005© ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2005Kafka on the shoreMurakami, Haruki© 2005 by Haruki Murakami
One day the governess ordered our coachman to stop at several shops, where the beggars, watching their opportunity, crowded to the sides of the coach, and gave me the most horrible spectacle that ever a European eye beheld.Однажды гувернантка приказала кучеру остановиться возле лавок; воспользовавшись этим случаем, по сторонам кареты столпились нищие, и тут для моего непривычного европейского глаза открылось самое ужасное зрелище.Swift, Jonathan / Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldСвифт, Джонатан / Путешествия ГулливераПутешествия ГулливераСвифт, Джонатан© Издательство "Правда", 1987Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldSwift, Jonathan
There was a pause longer than usual, and Gandalf and Gimli were whispering together; the others were crowded behind, waiting anxiously.Гэндальф, стоя у развилки коридора, дольше обычного совещался с Гимли, и Хранителей охватило смутное беспокойство.Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel / The Fellowship of the RingТолкиен, Джон Рональд Руэл / Братство КольцаБратство КольцаТолкиен, Джон Рональд Руэл© Издательство "Радуга", 1988The Fellowship of the RingTolkien, John Ronald Reuel© 1954, 1965, 1966 by J.R.R. Tolkien© renewed 1982 by Christopher R. Tolkien, Michael H.R. Tolkien, John F.R. Tolkien and Priscilla M.A.R. Tolkien© renewed 1993, 1994 by Christopher R.Tolkien, John F.R. Tolkien and Priscilla M.A.R. Tolkien© 2003 J. R. R. Tolkien
But I did not care for going there: I saw that one could not get on there without a long purse, and also that the place was crowded with insolent fellows and swaggering young snobs.Но там я не полюбил: я видел, что там хорошо при больших деньгах и, кроме того, туда слишком много приезжало нахальных людей и "гремящей" молодежи из высшего света.Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / ПодростокПодростокДостоевский, Фёдор© Издательство "Советская Россия", 1979A Raw YouthDostoevsky, Fyodor
We struggled through the crowded lobby and found two stools at the bar.Работая локтями, мы пробились через переполненный вестибюль, и нашли два незанятых высоких табурета у стойки бара.Thompson, Hunter / Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American DreamТомпсон, Хантер / Страх и отвращение в Лас-Вегасе: Дикое путешествие в Сердце Американской МечтыСтрах и отвращение в Лас-Вегасе: Дикое путешествие в Сердце Американской МечтыТомпсон, Хантер© Перевод. А. Керви, 1995© ООО "Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009© Hunter S. Thompson, 1971Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American DreamThompson, Hunter© 1971 by Hunter S. Thompson
Inestimable numbers of tents, wagons, and horses were crowded in among the soldiers.Неисчислимое количество палаток, фургонов, лошадей и солдаты, солдаты, солдаты…Goodkind, Terry / The pillars of creationГудкайнд, Терри / Седьмое правило Волшебника: Столпы творенияСедьмое правило Волшебника: Столпы творенияГудкайнд, Терри© Теrry Goodkind, 2001© Перевод Н.Романецкий, 2003© ООО "Издательство ACT", 2003The pillars of creationGoodkind, Terry© 2001 by Теrry Goodkind
Then he turned and strode off through the crowded marketplace, and was soon lost to view.Затем они пошли прочь, и вскоре затерялись в рыночной толпе.Feather, Jane / VelvetФэйзер, Джейн / БархатБархатФэйзер, ДжейнVelvetFeather, Jane© 1994 by Jane Feather
Any stroll along a crowded Istanbul street will show covered and uncovered women effortlessly -- almost naturally -- mixing.Если вы пройдётесь по переполненной стамбульской улице, вы увидите, что женщины с покрытой и непокрытой головой практически естественно смешиваются друг с другом.© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2011http://www.project-syndicate.org/ 16.03.2009© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2011http://www.project-syndicate.org/ 16.03.2009
Then, presently, a long ultra-marine vista down the turgid stream of one of the channels of traffic, and a landing stage, and then, perhaps, a glimpse up the enormous crowded shaft of one of the vertical ways.Затем показались длинная ультрамариновая аллея, идущая вдоль одного из внутренних каналов, и пристань. Иногда мелькала гигантская, кишащая селенитами шахта какого-нибудь вертикального ствола.Wells, Herbert George / The First Men in the MoonУэллс, Герберт / Первые люди на ЛунеПервые люди на ЛунеУэллс, Герберт© Издательство "Правда", 1964The First Men in the MoonWells, Herbert George© the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells
The pump can be provided with means for retaining the roller, which means will allow revolving of the rollers around shaft 3 and side wall 2 of housing 1, and will prevent the rollers from being crowded in any region of the operating space.В насосе могут быть предусмотрены средства удержания роликов, которые позволяют обкатывание роликов по валу 3 и боковой стенке 2 корпуса 1 и при этом устраняют возможность собирания (скопления) роликов в какой-то одной области рабочего пространства.http://www.patentlens.net/ 17.10.2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 17.10.2011
Once in 1950 they were transporting us from the Butyrki to the station in a not at all crowded van—fourteen people in a Black Maria with benches.Как-то раз, в 1950 году, везли нас из Бутырок на вокзал очень просторно - человек четырнадцать в воронке со скамьями.Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr / The Gulag ArchipelagoСолженицын, Александр / Архипелаг ГулагАрхипелаг ГулагСолженицын, Александр© Русский Общественный Фонд Александра Солженицына, 2009The Gulag ArchipelagoSolzhenitsyn, Aleksandr© 1973 by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn© 1973, 1974 by Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.© 1985 by The Russian Social Fund
And that was why they had crowded into the court so impatiently.Для того-то они и сбежались сюда с таким нетерпением.Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья КарамазовыБратья КарамазовыДостоевский, Фёдор© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988The brothers KaramazovDostoevsky, Fyodor
Why does natural selection favour females who reduce their birth-rate when their population is over-crowded?Почему естественный отбор благоприятствует самкам, снижающим свою плодовитость при чрезмерной плотности популяции?Dawkins, Richard / The Selfish GeneДокинз, Ричард / Эгоистичный генЭгоистичный генДокинз, РичардThe Selfish GeneDawkins, Richard© Richard Dawkins 1989
Several persons crowded inquisitively into the doorway.В дверях затолпилось несколько любопытных.Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказаниеПреступление и наказаниеДостоевский, Фёдор© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1970Crime and PunishmentDostoevsky, Fyodor© 2009 Rhodes Media
The citizens of Moscow, crowded together on account of the housing shortage, will come flocking to your beautiful town.Жители Москвы, стесненные жилищным кризисом, бросятся в ваш великолепный город.Ильф, Илья,Петров, Евгений / Двенадцать СтульевIlf, Ilya,Petrov, Eugene / The Twelve ChairsThe Twelve ChairsIlf, Ilya,Petrov, Eugene© 1961 by Random House, Inc.Двенадцать СтульевИльф, Илья,Петров, Евгений© Издательство "Правда", 1987
Переводы пользователей
Часть речи не указана
- 1.
Перевод добавил Павел Соколов - 2.
Перевод добавил Петр Волочкин - 3.
Перевод добавил Петр Волочкин - 4.
полный людьми
Перевод добавил Alexander АkimovЗолото en-ru - 5.
Перевод добавил Yefim YasnogorskyЗолото ru-en - 6.
большое скопление людей
Перевод добавил Diana Kim - 7.
переполненный людьми
Перевод добавил Vladislav JeongЗолото en-ru - 8.
Перевод добавил Eva Tats - 9.
Перевод добавил Dmitrij Tkachenko
crowded gate
перегруженный участок
crowded market
переполненный рынок
crowded plate
пластинка с избыточно густой средой
crowded teeth
скученные зубы
not crowded
spend some time in a crowded place
crowded conditions
условия скученности
crowded crop
уплотнённая культура
crowded bit
перегруженное долото
crowded airspace
перенасыщенное воздушное пространство
crowded trees
густорастущие деревья
crowded hall
битком набитый зал
active bond crowd
члены Нью-Йоркской фондовой биржи, ответственные за самый большой объем торгов
bit crowding
набегание битов
bit crowding
уплотнение битов
Формы слова
Basic forms | |
Past | crowded |
Imperative | crowd |
Present Participle (Participle I) | crowding |
Past Participle (Participle II) | crowded |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I crowd | we crowd |
you crowd | you crowd |
he/she/it crowds | they crowd |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am crowding | we are crowding |
you are crowding | you are crowding |
he/she/it is crowding | they are crowding |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have crowded | we have crowded |
you have crowded | you have crowded |
he/she/it has crowded | they have crowded |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been crowding | we have been crowding |
you have been crowding | you have been crowding |
he/she/it has been crowding | they have been crowding |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I crowded | we crowded |
you crowded | you crowded |
he/she/it crowded | they crowded |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was crowding | we were crowding |
you were crowding | you were crowding |
he/she/it was crowding | they were crowding |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had crowded | we had crowded |
you had crowded | you had crowded |
he/she/it had crowded | they had crowded |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been crowding | we had been crowding |
you had been crowding | you had been crowding |
he/she/it had been crowding | they had been crowding |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will crowd | we shall/will crowd |
you will crowd | you will crowd |
he/she/it will crowd | they will crowd |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be crowding | we shall/will be crowding |
you will be crowding | you will be crowding |
he/she/it will be crowding | they will be crowding |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have crowded | we shall/will have crowded |
you will have crowded | you will have crowded |
he/she/it will have crowded | they will have crowded |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been crowding | we shall/will have been crowding |
you will have been crowding | you will have been crowding |
he/she/it will have been crowding | they will have been crowding |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would crowd | we should/would crowd |
you would crowd | you would crowd |
he/she/it would crowd | they would crowd |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be crowding | we should/would be crowding |
you would be crowding | you would be crowding |
he/she/it would be crowding | they would be crowding |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have crowded | we should/would have crowded |
you would have crowded | you would have crowded |
he/she/it would have crowded | they would have crowded |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been crowding | we should/would have been crowding |
you would have been crowding | you would have been crowding |
he/she/it would have been crowding | they would have been crowding |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am crowded | we are crowded |
you are crowded | you are crowded |
he/she/it is crowded | they are crowded |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being crowded | we are being crowded |
you are being crowded | you are being crowded |
he/she/it is being crowded | they are being crowded |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been crowded | we have been crowded |
you have been crowded | you have been crowded |
he/she/it has been crowded | they have been crowded |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was crowded | we were crowded |
you were crowded | you were crowded |
he/she/it was crowded | they were crowded |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being crowded | we were being crowded |
you were being crowded | you were being crowded |
he/she/it was being crowded | they were being crowded |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been crowded | we had been crowded |
you had been crowded | you had been crowded |
he/she/it had been crowded | they had been crowded |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be crowded | we shall/will be crowded |
you will be crowded | you will be crowded |
he/she/it will be crowded | they will be crowded |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been crowded | we shall/will have been crowded |
you will have been crowded | you will have been crowded |
he/she/it will have been crowded | they will have been crowded |