Production and nonsupervisory workers
Взаимосвязь усилий и вознаграждения: тестирования теории турниров в киберспорте
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Effort - reward relationship: testing of the tournament theory in cyber sports.
Перевод добавил Elena BogomolovaЗолото ru-en - 2.
Correlation between the effort and the reward: testing cyber-sport tournaments theory.
Перевод добавил grumblerЗолото ru-en
Consistentwith previous findings, we find that pay dispersion is associated with an increased likelihood of executiveturnover. In addition, we find that other pay characteristics also affect turnover, both directly and througha moderating effect on pay dispersion.
black market premium
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премиальные за черный рынок
Перевод добавила Lana Lana
Can Foreign Aid Buy Growth?
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может ли экономика расти на помощи из-за рубежа?
Перевод добавил Валерий КоротоношкоЗолото en-ru
proxy solicitation
- 1.
организация голосования по доверенности
Перевод добавил Иван ФедоровСеребро en-ru
Proxy Voting Rights
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Порядок проведения голосования по доверенности
Перевод добавил Иван ФедоровСеребро en-ru
ultimate owner
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конечный собственник / конечный владелец
Перевод добавил Иван ФедоровСеребро en-ru
Post-shock Changes – the three interaction terms between the post-2012 dummy variable and Voting Rights, External Shares,and Friendly Shares to control for the market reaction to the 2011statutory reform
Control – the percentage of director and supervisor seats controlled by the ultimate owners, managers, and friendly share-holders of the company