важные средства перевозки
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important means of transportation
Перевод добавил Валерий КоротоношкоЗолото ru-en
текст в комментариях
Комментарий автора
‘Here you are. Tea.’
Janet opens the curtains and looks at the day. We don’t care how early it is, as long as it’s morning. The grey light curls in like smoke. I know how it will be out there. Montbretia and foxgloves wet in the hedges, the cows going down the lane like boats, barging into one another. Shit-streaks on their legs, tails switching. Janet knows how much I want the night to be over. Even late-night radio doesn’t work after a while. You’re stuck on Planet Night, with the sound turned down low and voice talking to naked voice in the darkness. You want the light on, but then it’s not worth moving because any moment now you’ll be asleep again. My dreams wait for me. It’s like a game of statues. When I look, they won’t move. When I turn my back, they swarm all over me. I dream, and when I come back I don’t remember anything. And the radio’s still playing the same tune.
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<перевод в комментариях> =>
Перевод добавил ` ALЗолото en-ru
The US elections have often been compared to a circus. It is ashame that the comparison has some truth in it.
Комментарий автора
It is a time when a clear and precise estimate of the national situation should be made, a balance drawn and a course agreed on for the next period, but it is actually a time
when the leading political contestants exert themselves most to deceive the public, falsify the record and lie about the future.It is national aberration-time when politicians roam the land, trying to put matters more out of focus than usual.It is the time of statistics-twisting, juggling with facts, gymnastics in the position-taking, and hocus-pocus. Such a situation is contrary to the interests of the people and to the national interest.More and more voters are disgusted with it. It is, therefore, more urgent than ever not only to bring the real issues to therefore and to mobilize the broadest possible coalition around «people before profits» solutions, but also to take steps to restore — or to impart — to elections their real function, to correct what is wrong and to steer a better course for the future.
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выборы в США и так уже часто сравнивали с цирком .стыдно, что доля правды в этом есть.
Перевод добавил Анастасия КудринаБронза en-ru - 2.
выборы в США и без того часто уже были уподоблены цирку .позорно,что это сравнение имеет место быть.
Перевод добавил Анастасия КудринаБронза en-ru - 3.
выборы в США часто УЖЕ ( have been) подвергались сравнению с цирком .стыдно, что доля правды в этом есть.
Перевод добавил Анастасия КудринаБронза en-ru
Next year will be another depressing year on the farm. The federal government will try to help out with emergency aid and by opening trade barriers, as it did recently with a new export agreement with China.
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Следующий год станет ещё одним тяжёлым годом для фермерского хозяйства. Федеральное правительство будет стараться помогать в чрезвычайных ситуациях и снимет торговые барьеры, подобно тому как оно поступило недавно с новым экспортным соглашением с Китаем.
Перевод добавил ` ALЗолото en-ru - 2.
Следующий год будет очередным тяжелым годом для фермерского хозяйства. Федеральное правительство попробует улучшить ситацию благодаря чрезвычайной помощи и открытия торговых барьеров, как было недавно сделано с новых экспортным соглашением с Китаем.
Перевод добавил Петр Волочкин
Both sides are already moving back toward common ground. Not only did Beijing finally shut down the anti-American protests, but the Chinese President after an initial snub, finally talked by phone with the US President and discussed ways to rebuild their relationship.
The defenders of the present United Nations system point out that the agencies do in fact work together successfully on a number of projects.
Those immigrants who do arrive are kept in detention centres, called «welcome centres» in official jargon.
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Прибывающие иммигранты содержатся под стражей в распределительных центрах, называемых на официальном жаргоне «центрами приёма гостей».
Перевод добавил ` ALЗолото en-ru
A university student who wrote his graduation paper in Sardinian had it turned down.
United Nations economists warn that something drastic has to be done, or developing countries will be forced to reduce their rate of social
and economic expansion.
If budgetary reforms are ever to be achieved, the EU leaders will have to bind themselves to use qualified majority voting, not consensus, for such matters.