Jane, I haven't done that sounds like you haven't done it yet, but you plan to :) The perfect here (as we discussed before) is emotive - the speaker is angry that someone spilled coffee. In a neutral sentence, we use the simple past.
посмотри кто то пролил кофе на пол. это не я я этого не делал.
Jane, I haven't done that sounds like you haven't done it yet, but you plan to :) The perfect here (as we discussed before) is emotive - the speaker is angry that someone spilled coffee. In a neutral sentence, we use the simple past.
Uly, thanks a lot for all the comments, it does help indeed, though this damned emotive perfect always drives me crazy! How come I made the same mistake again! 😤
So if the speaker is disappointed, irritated etc., we use perfect. And in case we just establish the fact (coffee spilled on the floor) we use simple past?
Mind you, in England I think they would use the perfect in that situation. To me it sounds emotional because I'm American. So it's not incorrect, it's just not what I would say.
OK, I got it. Thank you!