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Маша Окелоспросил перевод 8 years ago
Как перевести? (ru-en)

компьютеры заменили библеотеки и людям стало проще и быстрее находить важную информацию

Переводы пользователей (2)

  1. 1.

    Computers have replaced libraries, making it quicker and easier now for people to find important information

    Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍
    Золото ru-en
  2. 2.

    The computers have been used instead of the libraries and it has become easier and faster for people to find important information.

    Перевод добавил Aleh La
    Золото ru-en

Обсуждение (4)

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 years ago
The computers have been used instead of the libraries and it has become easier and faster for people to find important information.

Hi Aleh! Just a suggestion: when you refer to a class in English, you usually use the plain plural (no article): Lions hunt at night. Alternatively, you can use a definite singular noun: The lion hunts at night.However a definite plural noun refers to a concrete set of elements as opposed to a general class. Also, it's not standard, but we usually say "quick and easy" or "quicker and easier." I can't explain why.- it's like we never say "white and black," we always say "black and white." Hope this helps :)

Aleh Laдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

Thank you! There are still some things that I can't get a hold of. So, your thoughts are always appreciated!

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 years ago

Always a pleasure

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 years ago

* There are still some things that I can't assimilate or wrap my head around.

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