Yana Neserдобавила комментарий 8 years ago
Hi Marina. How are things? What is the weather is like in your city? It is cold and raining over here and puddles on the streets. Occasionally it gets sunny, but the sun doesn't warm the air.
Привет, Марина. Как у тебя дела? Как погода в твоём городе?У нас холодно, дожди, иногда солнце, но оно не греет. Лужи на улицах
Hi,Marin!How are you?What the weather in your city?In our it's cold,rains,sometimes the sun,but it doesn't heat.Pools on streets
Hi Marina. How are things? What is the weather is like in your city? It is cold and raining over here and puddles on the streets. Occasionally it gets sunny, but the sun doesn't warm the air.