Может, еще "слоняется без дела"
I knew there was a reason the wife was hanging around.
Я знал, что есть причина, почему вокруг вьётся жена.
Обсуждение (7)
Thank you, Elena. Is it possible to use крутится in this context with the same meaning?
The context is that the wife and the man obviously don't get along, but for some reason, she wouldn't leave him - perhaps he was going to inherit money. So then the speaker realizes why she was still hanging around. Is this evident in the Russian?
Uly, I guess your version is more appropriate here because it would sound a little bit strange if someone said "я знал, что есть причина, почему жена слоняется без дела".
Thank you both for the clarifications :)
Right, in this context you made a correct translation :) "Крутиться" тоже можно, мне даже больше нравится ("почему она все около меня крутится")
Thanks! I didn't know which one to use, but for some reason, I like крутиться more too :)