Our résumé has already been accepted, and we've also agreed to an early session. We'll draw up an agreement soon. The main thing now is to study hard and successfully close out all the subjects, then there won't be any problems. I’m still writing my term paper, and I have to finish by the end of April (??)
Наше резюме уже приняли, с досрочной сессией тоже договорились, скоро будем составлять договор. Самое главное сейчас хорошо учиться и закрыть с успехом все предметы, тогда проблем не будет. Ещё сейчас пишу курсовую работу, нужно успеть до конца апреля.
Переводы пользователей (1)
- 1.
Our résumé has already been accepted, and we've also agreed to an early session. We'll draw up a contract soon. The main thing now is to study hard and successfully close out all the subjects, then there won't be any problems.
Комментарий переводчика
Also, I’m presently writing my term paper, which I need to finish by the end of April
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото ru-en5
Обсуждение (10)
Спасибо большое 🌷
А все правильно?
Вроде да)
Our summary has already been adopted, with the early session also agreed, we will soon draw up a contract. The most important thing now is to study well and to close all subjects successfully, then there will be no problems. And also now I am writing a term paper, I need to be in time by the end of April.
Slavik, that translation has problems.
And also now I am writing a term paper, I need to finish it by the end of April.
Thank you, I misread that part.