Being at the events can help you make useful acquaintances, thereby solving business challenges.
На мероприятиях можно обрести полезные знакомства и решить с помощью них конкретные бизнес-задачи.
One can make useful acquaintances at these events - people who can be beneficial in helping you address/figure out concrete business concerns/issues.
At (the(se)) events, you can make useful acquaintances and find answers to/explore specific business problems/issues with them.
Being at the events can help you make useful acquaintances, thereby solving business challenges.
Andrey, in your version it sounds like making the acquaintances IS the solution, which seems highly unlikely.
ну я это так и понял
первое часть предложения - решение для второй
Being at the events can help you make useful acquaintances and solve business challenges.
I find the Russian original very simplistic. How can being at an event solve your problems. It should be about attending events where you can potentially meet people who can possibly help you with your problems. I tried to word it in a more realistic way. Maybe I'm reading too much into the Russian because it seems weird to me.
it means that making new acquaintances at the event may come in handy to solve some business tasks in future because among these new friends you may find your probable future partners ,investors ,contractors or potential clients.
Sasha, that’s basically what my translations say.
My point is that BEING at the events doesn’t help you, it’s being there and MEETING contacts who may come in handy.
you meant Andrew's translation with BEING?
yes, in Andrey’s versions, it sounds like BEING there solves the problems to me.
I agree that the beginning of the translation with BEING is not the best way to be used in our case. The Russian original doesn't start with being (будучи / находясь на мероприятии )but : at the event/на мероприятиях. Andrew has rephrased it. But even with being at the beginning it doesn't sound weird, Andrew has explained you very well that the first part of the sentence is a solution for the second part, that is absolutely logical sequence of events: you can't do any event you make new acquaintances and then eventually you get a profit. You focus on " being" too much, I think there is a little misunderstanding because of language barrier.
Aha! So you believe this is a good translation: Being at the events can help you make useful acquaintances, thereby solving business challenges.
I think it's quite possible if you don't mean that physical being at the event alone will solve your business tasks. it is obvious that your new friends will help you to solve your business tasks :) I don't see anything weird about this sentence, you just focus on the BEING too much :)
Gotcha! 👌🏼