This means that something brings you to the verge of crying.
bring a lump to throat
bring a lump to one’s throat
Отредактированбыть крайне трогательным (аж до слёз)
bring a lump to one's throat
ОтредактированРастрогать чуть не до слёз
This means that something brings you to the verge of crying.
DESPITE whatever you may have seen in a dictionary!
but ком в горле means you're on the verge of crying
but not the one about the дыхание - here and on another post your translated
перехватывать дыхание is close to иметь ком в горле.
When you see a beautuful sunset you can't have ком в горле
There’s a difference between something taking your breath away and something bringing you close to tears. If the sunset reminds you of something touching, tender or sad, like the loss of a loved one, it can certainly make you want to cry.
All right, thank you.
Also “a lump in a throat” doesn’t say anything.
I thought it was a very moving speech. It almost brought a lump to my throat. — Для меня это была очень волнительная речь. У меня прямо комок к горлу подкатил.
Otherwise it's difficult to give a translation because in Russian the phrase sounds impersonally if I can put it this way