Leon Leonдобавил комментарий 6 years ago
What about "drop smoking, leave off smoking, give up smoking"? Do you use them when you quit smoking a next time? 😁
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What about "drop smoking, leave off smoking, give up smoking"? Do you use them when you quit smoking a next time? 😁
You can GIVE UP SMOKING, not the others.
We also say KICK THE HABIT
It seems to me that "kick the habit" looks like our "завязать с привычкой".
I don’t know, but it generally refers to cigarette smoking in English.
"завязать с чем-либо" is informal and normally used with bad habits including smoking.
E.g. Я завязал с пьянкой. — I gave up drinking.
There you go!
Uly, what about "break smoking" and "stop smoking"? Are they in use?
and "quit smoking"?
QUIT and STOP, but not BREAK