1.What is Advent Calendar? 2.What is Advent Wreath? 3.What is a Chistingle? 4.What country presents a Christmas tree to Britain every year? 5.How do children send their letters to Santa Claus in Britain? 6.Where do children hang their stockings for presents from Santa Claus in Britain?

1.What is the difference between Santa Claus and Father Christmas?
2.What is Christmas log associated with?
3.What should you do to someone standing under mistletoe?
4.In what Christmas carol do children request "figgy pudding"?
5.Who told the shepherds about the birth of Jesus?

1.What is Boxing Day?
2.What is Christmas crackers?
3.What are Christmas Bells associated with?
4.What are four Christmas colours?
5.What is the name of the deer with red nose in Santa Claus' sledge?
6.Where did Christmas Candy Canes come from?
7.What dish do the English burn at Christmas dinner?

моя любимая комическая история
- 1.
my favorite funny story
Tradução adicionada por ⁌ ULY ⁍Ouro ru-en - 2.
My favorite space story
Tradução adicionada por Vladimir Belyashov

починить машину , сфотографировать , проверить зрение ,подстричь волосы
- 1.
to mend the car, to take a pic of, to test the eysight, to have a haircut
Tradução adicionada por Mariia M.Prata ru-en - 2.
to repair (fix) a car, to take a picture, to chech a sight, to make a haircut
Tradução adicionada por Евгений ЖабаровскийBronze ru-en - 3.
можно еще так: to have one's car repaired , to have one's hair cut
Tradução adicionada por Aza Usmanova

She 6_(quick) hid in the storeroom, she didn’t want anyone to see her costume before the party. Suddenly the door of the storeroom opened and a man entered.The man saw Ann with her vampire’s teeth and 7_(shine) fluorescent face and let out a cry
- 1.
quickly, shining
Tradução adicionada por Руслан ЗаславскийOuro en-ru

She was a little 4_(skin), but she didn’t look 5_(health), she looked very nice. When she told her friends that she would scare everyone at the party, no one believed her. Alice was trying on her costume and make up before the mirror in the hall when she heard the front door open.
- 1.
skinny, unhealthy
Tradução adicionada por Руслан ЗаславскийOuro en-ru

When everyone else left, Ann went upstairs to her bedroom. She decided to miss school because her 1__(amaze) fancy dress was not ready for the Halloween Party. Ann was an 2__(attract) cute teenager with a lot of 3__(wave) hair and beautiful green eyes.
- 1.
1 amazing
2 attractive
3 wavy
Tradução adicionada por Талгат МырзахановOuro en-ru

Poor appetite
There are several remedies which are suitable for patients with poor appetites. One can try rubbing the stomach with alcohol or taking a bath in beef soup . Now that electricity is becoming more popular in the home , one can also try electric shocks from a battery
- 1.
Плохой аппетит
Для пациентов с плохим аппетитом есть несколько средств. Можно попробовать спирт втереть в желудок или принять ванну из говяжьего бульона. Сейчас, когда электричество становится широко доступным в домах, также можно попробовать удары электричеством от аккумулятора.
Tradução adicionada por Alex M.

Sore throats
In the case of sore throats, the most effective remedy is bacon . Cut slices of fat , boneless bacon and season it well with black pepper. This should be tried around the patient's throat using a cotton bandage and worn for several hours until the pain decreases.
- 1.
Боль в горле.
Самым эффективным средством при боли в горле является бекон. Нарежьте кусочками жирный бекон без косточки и хорошо приправьте его чёрным перцем. Обвязать с помощью марлевой повязки вокруг горла пациента и носить несколько часов до стихания боли.
Tradução adicionada por Alex M. - 2.
В случае ангин самое эффективное средство - бекон. Нарежьте тонкие кусочки жирного, бекона без косточек и сезон этого хорошо с черным перцем. Это нужно попробовать вокруг горла пациента, используя хлопковый бандаж и носить в течение нескольких часов, пока боль не уменьшается.
Tradução adicionada por Олеся Галиева