Aleh Laadicionou o comentário 8 years ago
", then leaving them on the work bench, he silently returned to the house."
He scraped a little carbon from the plugs,then leaving them on the work bench.
He scraped a little carbon from the plugs, then leaving them on the
workbench, he silently returned to the house.
EditadoОн соскреб нагар со свечей(автомобильных) и, оставив их на верстаке, молча вернулся в дом.
He scraped a little carbon from the plugs, then LEFT them on the work bench.
Editado* * *
", then leaving them on the work bench, he silently returned to the house."
It MAKED no sense. Your version makes sense because you added something to it. She has a period after bench. That, to me, is an incomplete sentence.
I didn't translate it. I corrected it.
it sounds better with two HE's
Thank you!