It can often be difficult for person to understand that they will complete more work by begening slowly.
It can often be difficult for A person to understand that they will complete more work by BEGINNING slowly.
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It can often be difficult for A person to understand that they will complete more work by begening slowly.
EditadoЧасто человеку бывает непросто понять, что он сможет сделать больше, если начнет неспеша.
@Igor: I always thought this was written не спеша. Is it written as one word?
well, it's not that obvious. I had to google it really. if you want to do it by the book - it's "не спеша", all official dictionaries have it this a way. but a lot of people say that we're moving towards writing it неспеша, some minor dictionaries have it as one word. so maybe in s year or two it will be written in one word.
the thing is it's a деепричастие being used as a наречие. деепричастие should be written as two words, наречие as one.
Thank you, that's very interesting. And is it pronounced неспеша́?
exactly, Uly
Great word !