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Como traduzir? (en-ru)
tree surgeon
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Comentário do tradutor
специалист по уходу за деревьями и кустами, обрезчик (деревьев)
tree surgeon - официальное название профессии
Prunes and treats ornamental and shade trees and shrubs in yards and parks to improve their appearance, health, and value: cuts out dead and undesirable limbs and trims trees to enhance beauty and growth. Scrapes decayed matter from cavities in trees, and fills holes with cement to promote healing and prevent further deterioration. Sprays and dusts pesticides on shrubs and trees to control pests and disease or sprays foliar fertilizers to increase plant growth, using hand or machine dusters and sprauers. tops trees to control growth characteristics and to prevent interference with utility wires.
Tradução adicionada por L ГBronze en-ru1