Wow! Happy birthday!
Сергей М. (谢尔盖)adiocionou a nota 8 years ago
Happy birthday ULY!💥🎂🍾
Спасибо что ты с нами)
Wish you all the best!
Discussão (13)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Uly, auch von mir! Lass krachen auf deiner Geburtstagsparty!
Happy Birthday, Uly! A small gift for you:
Happy Birthday, Uly. And the best of luck!!!
OMG, What a lovely surprise! Thank you all so much for thinking of me. I had a wonderful birthday in the company of my family. Additionally, I got a little present from my computer: I thought I was turning 54, but when I woke up and turned it on, it had a message that said "Happy 53!" So I got a YEAR BACK :) Thanks again, all of you :)
Alex, gestern Abend habe ich zwar mit Familie un Freunden Spaß gehabt, aber dieses Wochenende geht's erst richtig los, wenn ich nach New Orleans fliege für mein offizielles Birthday Weekend :) Da lass ich es auf jeden Fall krachen, keine Sorgen! :)
Валерий, "[животное] whisperer" это вообще человек, который способен тихенько говорить животному и таким образом успокоить или контролировать его.
Elena, thank you so much for the video - that was adorable! Слава Богу - день рождения - только - раз - в го- ду! ))) (after 50 they're not that much fun anymore - stay young!) ))
Сергей, thank you for the thoughtful note and lovely words. I'm happy to be here :)
Uly, I'm glad you liked the cartoon. It's our classical "soviet" cartoon `(we call "мультик"), nevertheless it's still popular :)
Oh my, Uly! I was like absolutely sure that you're twenty-something!
Well then, why not at least to wish you to feel like you really are)
Hahaha, thank you, Sergey. I look young for my age, and I do feel like a twenty-something! So thank you :)