Look at those two in the windowframe. :)
Андриолли 1adiocionou a nota 9 hours ago
Hello there! Could you please help me. How to say Медведи заняли заброшенную научную станцию. Будет ли заброшеннаяabandoned.?
How to say Они чувствуют себя полноправными хозяевами.
Haw to say Видимо, им нечем там полакомиться.
Discussão (14)
The white bears occupied an abandoned scientific station. They feel like they are the full-right owners there. It seems they haven't got something delicious to enjoy. (there's nothing to treat themselves.)
Is that a good enough to say or not?)
Only humans are responsible for what happened to them.
да, abandoned, disused
а "заняли" - есть хорошее слово
глагол - to squat
There are two muzzles staring at you. They have some questions - where's the food?
There are two muzzles [in the window] - но все равно это слишком описательно, как будто вас в школе попросили описать картинку.
мода - думаю, это чисто анатомически, в отличие от русского.
faces? cobs?
Two cobs staring (at you) from the window wonder where their food is.
Спасибо! По мордам были вопросики. Хотела написать faces, но передумала)) А cob переводит как початок, и информации крайне мало.
Да, это описание картинки и свое впечатление от увиденного.
The bear in front of us is so miserable.
And place cuptured in the photo is dull.
Obviously, humans rarely set foot on this ground.
A group of polar bears have made themselves completely at home in an abandoned research station. Apparently, there’s nothing there for them to munch on.