После "to help" можно употребляьь глагол как с, так и без "to". Второй вариант, который без to, более неформальный)
Почему нету связки "to" между глаголами? could help trap = а не = could help TO trap
Comentário do autor
Police are hoping this new evidence could help trap the killer.
Почему нету связки "to" между глаголами?
could help trap = а не = could help TO trap
или после модального глагола все глаголы что идут сразу за ним будут без 'to'?
Traduções dos usuários (2)
- 1.
Хороший вопрос. На мой взгляд, это - пример современной тенденции в языке, особенно в США, использовать "to help" как модальный
Comentário do tradutor
... глагол.
Tradução adicionada por Yuri Jitari0 - 2.
после модальных глаголов частичку to не ставим)
Tradução adicionada por Юлия Котова0
Discussão (18)
GoldenFish: Это не вопрос формальности - просто короче и более лаконично: Could you help me open this box? LIstening to songs in English can help you learn new words. The therapist helped me get over the death of my wife. etc.
В каждом примере можно тоже с TO и значение одно и то же.
Это не американская тенденция, так говорят на каждом континенте.
в большинстве случаях даже лучше звучит без TO
Thank you Uly!!!
Help me clean the house. (Help me TO clean the house звучит глупо)
Anytime, Den!
Can you imagine one example where 2 verbs go after each other like "help trap"?
Uly, я не писала, что это вопрос формальности. Я писала, что это более неформальный вариант. То есть по сути то же, что написали выше Вы)
Извините, но не вижу противоречий)
Да, действительно, какие еще глаголы можно уплтреблять без "to"?☺
GoldenFish: I meant that "formality" has nothing to do with the inclusion or omission of TO - it's just more succinct :)
As for other verbs like this, I'll have to think about it... nothing comes to mind.
Если кому интересно могу поделиться ответом на этот вопрос.
I am unsure why but one thing I know is that when you use 'help' with a verb/action after it, you almost never have to use 'to'. It perhaps is just something which developed over time. Normally you would put "to" but when you say 'help' you don't need to.
"I want to help catch the killer."
"I want to help write the letter."
"I want to help cook your dinner."
"I want want to help paint the ceiling."
These are all accurate, and the common way of saying all these things. It doesn't matter if it's with 'trap' or another action. When you use help before it, you don't need to add 'to'.
With other things you must still use it.
"I want to try to paint the ceiling."
"I want to try to cook your dinner."
"I want to try to run 5 miles."
"I want to run to catch the bus."
"I want to dance to warm up."
"I want to sing to make you happy."
"I want to write to express my feelings."
So 'help' is just an exception.
It wouldn't be wrong if you did add it though, you would still be understood.
I thought of another such verb: DARE: I would never dare ask you for money. I don't dare confront him on my own.