Да уж, we need to know when enough is enough... ;) so I put an end to the matter. And I really hope that our "sorrowful work" will prove useful to somebody... somewhen... somewhere...
Good luck and new good translations to everybody!
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Юлия Шенессоsolicitou a tradução 7 years ago
Como traduzir? (ru-en)
Во всём нужно знать меру
Traduções dos usuários (6)
- 1.
Во всём нужно знать меру.
Editado(amE, brE): Enough is as good as a feast. || Moderation in all things. || There is a measure in all things.
(amE): Measure is a treasure. || Without measure medicine will become poison
(brE): Safety lies in the middle course. || There is enough where it is not too much.
Tradução adicionada por ` ALOuro ru-en1 - 2.
(Set phrase): Bind the sack before it be full.
Comentário do tradutor
(дословно): Завяжи мешок прежде, чем он доверху наполнится.
Tradução adicionada por ` ALOuro ru-en1 - 3.
In everything, we need to know when enough is enough.
Tradução adicionada por ` ALOuro ru-en0 - 4.
In everything we need to know when to stop.
Tradução adicionada por ` ALOuro ru-en0 - 5.
In everything we need to know where to draw the line.
Tradução adicionada por ` ALOuro ru-en0 - 6.
We must observe some limits in everything.
Tradução adicionada por ` ALOuro ru-en0
Discussão (1)
` ALadicionou o comentário 7 years ago