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El diccionario universal inglés-ruso
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[træp] брит. / амер.

    1. сущ.

      1. капкан, силок, ловушка; западня, засада

      2. разг. сыщик, полицейский

      3. разг. рот

      4. (traps) амер. ударные инструменты в оркестре

      5. рессорная двуколка

      6. тех. сифон, трап

      7. радио заграждающий фильтр

      8. = trapdoor

      9. разг. мошенничество, обман

    2. гл.

        1. ставить ловушки, капканыпрям. и перен.

        2. ловить в ловушку, капканпрям. и перен.

        1. обманывать, вводить в заблуждение, ловить, заманивать

        2. (trap into) вовлекать обманом во (что-л.)

        1. ограничивать (в перемещении), заключать (куда-л.)

        2. спорт. "нейтрализовать", заблокировать (какого-л. игрока)

      1. тех.; = trap out улавливать, поглощать, отделять

      2. останавливать, задерживать, удерживать

  1. сущ.

    1. (traps) разг. личные вещи, пожитки, багаж

      1. уст. попона, чепрак

      2. драпировка (носилок, паланкина и т. п.)

  2. сущ.; геол.

    1. трапп

    2. моноклиналь

Physics (En-Ru)


задерживать (улавливать), захватывать, ловушка

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Ejemplos de los textos

'I have no axle,' he added after a brief silence. 'That thing will not suit you.' He pointed to his cart. 'You have, I expect, a large trap.'
– Оси у меня нет, – прибавил он после небольшого молчания, – эта вот не годится (он указал на свою тележку), у вас, чай, телега большая.
Turgenev, I.S. / A Sportsman's Sketches v.1Тургенев, И.С. / Записки охотника т.1
Записки охотника т.1
Тургенев, И.С.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1975
A Sportsman's Sketches v.1
Turgenev, I.S.
© 2006 BiblioBazaar
A trap is laid for Launcelot, by the king's command, and Sir Launcelot walks into it.
По приказу короля сэру Ланселоту подставляют ловушку, и сэр Ланселот попадает в нее.
Twain, Mark / A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's CourtТвен, Марк / Янки из Коннектикута при дворе короля Артура
Янки из Коннектикута при дворе короля Артура
Твен, Марк
© Н. Чуковский. Наследники. 2010
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Twain, Mark
© 2009 by Seven Treasures Publications
“It’s a speed trap,” she said.
– Да это же настоящая ловушка! – заявила женщина.
Liss, David / The Ethical AssassinЛисс, Дэвид / Этичный убийца
Этичный убийца
Лисс, Дэвид
© К. Тверьянович, перевод, 2008
© Издательский дом "Азбука-классика", 2008
© 2006 by David Liss
The Ethical Assassin
Liss, David
© 2006 by David Liss
The Aquatir according to claim 39, wherein on the bullet-trap there is a changeable decorative coating.
Акватир по любому из п. 1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что на пулеуловителе закреплено с возможностью замены декоративное покрытие.
It is U.G. Krishnamurti who is not an authentic or sincere man - but you can fall into the trap because he is repeating beautiful phrases.
Этот У. Г. Кришнамурти не является подлинным и искренним человеком, — но вы можете угодить в ловушку из-за того, что он повторяет прекрасные фразы.
Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh / The Zen Manifesto: Freedom From OneselfОшо Бхагван Шри Раджниш / Манифест дзен. Свобода от себя
Манифест дзен. Свобода от себя
Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш
The Zen Manifesto: Freedom From Oneself
Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh
It had seemed like one at first- that sense of unreality had been another inducement to walk into the trap, she now understood but it was no dream.
Вот и Сюзан поначалу казалось, что обломилось счастье. Но теперь она понимала, что эта лошадь - еще одна приманка, загоняющая ее в ловушку.
King, Stephen / Wizard and GlassКинг, Стивен / Колдун и Кристалл
Колдун и Кристалл
Кинг, Стивен
© Stephen King, 1997
© Перевод, В.А. Вебер, 1998
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2003
Wizard and Glass
King, Stephen
© Stephen King, 1997, 2003
Erdogan has no intention of being drawn into that trap.
Эрдоган не намерен попадаться в эту ловушку.
© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2011
© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2011
Counteroffers can be a trap; consider them carefully.
Встречное предложение может оказаться ловушкой, обдумайте его хорошенько.
© The Well, 2009
They had set a second trap, and the unsuspecting enemy was marching directly into it.
Эльфы расставили очередную ловушку, а ничего не подозревающий враг маршировал прямо в нее.
Brooks, Terry / First King of ShannaraБрукс, Терри / Первый король Шаннары
Первый король Шаннары
Брукс, Терри
First King of Shannara
Brooks, Terry
© 1996 by Terry Brooks
I wasn't too thick-witted to fool her and trap you.
Я не такой уж тупица, коли одурачил ее и поймал в ловушку тебя.
Jordan, Robert / The Fires of HeavenДжордан, Роберт / Огни небес
Огни небес
Джордан, Роберт
The Fires of Heaven
Jordan, Robert
© 1993 by The Bandersnatch Group, Inc.
But the excuse it seemed to him was also a trap.
Но отговорка, казалось ему, была и ловушкой.
Greene, Henry Graham / The Heart of the MatterГрин, Генри Грэм / Суть дела
Суть дела
Грин, Генри Грэм
© Greene Graham, 1938, 1940, 1945
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
The Heart of the Matter
Greene, Henry Graham
© 1948 by Graham Greene
© Graham Greene, 1971
There was a trig two-wheeled trap with a smart horse and harness, and both Rolfe and Berenice were possessed of the latest novelty of the day—low-wheeled bicycles, which had just then superseded the old, high-wheel variety.
У Картеров была хорошая лошадка, которую запрягали в нарядный новый кабриолет, а помимо того и у Ролфа и у Беренис имелись модные низкоколесные велосипеды — последняя новинка, вытеснившая старую разновидность велосипеда с высокими колесами.
Dreiser, Theodore / The TitanДрайзер, Теодор / Титан
Драйзер, Теодор
© Издательство "Правда", 1981
The Titan
Dreiser, Theodore
There was a moral infection of clap-trap in him.
Он распространял вокруг себя заразу духовного клакерства.
Dickens, Charles / Hard TimesДиккенс, Чарльз / Тяжелые времена
Тяжелые времена
Диккенс, Чарльз
© Государаственное издательство художественной литературы, 1960
Hard Times
Dickens, Charles
© Wordsworth Editions Limited 1995
“I don’t want to spring the trap too soon.
– Я не хочу, чтобы наша ловушка сработала раньше времени, – пояснил он.
Rollins, James / Map of BonesРоллинс, Джеймс / Кости волхвов
Кости волхвов
Роллинс, Джеймс
© 2005 by Jim Czajkowski
© А. Новиков, перевод, 2009
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", издание на русском языке, 2009
Map of Bones
Rollins, James
© 2005 by Jim Czajkowski
"A double-conversion trap is too risky.
- Но при вторичной риск будет слишком велик.
Murakami, Haruki / Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the WorldМураками, Харуки / Страна чудес без тормозов и конец света
Страна чудес без тормозов и конец света
Мураками, Харуки
© 1991 by Kodansha International Ltd.
© Д. Коваленин. Перевод, 2003
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2005
Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Murakami, Haruki
© 1991 by Kodansha International Ltd.

Añadir a mi diccionario

træpSustantivoкапкан; силок; ловушка; западня; засадаEjemplos

to bait a trap — класть приманку в ловушку
to fall into a trap — попасться в ловушку
to lure smb. into a trap — заманить кого-л. в ловушку
to spring a trap on smb. / smth. — защёлкивать капкан на ком-л. / чём-л.
to set a trap — ставить ловушку

Traducciones de usuarios

Categoría gramatical no está fijada

  1. 1.

    Как сказать "пасть" (т.е. рот) грубо на английском

    Traducción agregada por ⦿ ULY
    Oro ru-en
  2. 2.

    Ловушка, западня

    Traducción agregada por Jane Lesh
    Oro en-ru
  3. 3.


    Traducción agregada por Anastasia Shemetillo
  4. 4.

    люк или рот

    Traducción agregada por
  5. 5.


    Traducción agregada por grumbler
    Oro en-ru
  6. 6.


    Traducción agregada por pionnner@mail.ru


"trap door" approach
оперативный доступ в виде люка
acceptor trap
акцепторная ловушка
accompanying sound trap
режекторный фильтр звука
air trap
воздушный сепаратор
air trap
гидравлический затвор
air-trap slot of siphon spillway
воздушный клапан нижнего колена сифона
amalgam trap
ловушка для амальгамы
antenna trap
резонансный контур для развязки между элементами антенны
asynchronous system trap
асинхронная системная ловушка
asynchronous system trap
асинхронное прерывание
beam trap
ловушка пучка
bear-trap dam
плотина с крышевидным клапанным затвором
bear-trap weir
крышевидный клапанный затвор
booby trap

Forma de la palabra


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)trapping
Past Participle (Participle II)trapped
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I trapwe trap
you trapyou trap
he/she/it trapsthey trap
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am trappingwe are trapping
you are trappingyou are trapping
he/she/it is trappingthey are trapping
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have trappedwe have trapped
you have trappedyou have trapped
he/she/it has trappedthey have trapped
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been trappingwe have been trapping
you have been trappingyou have been trapping
he/she/it has been trappingthey have been trapping
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I trappedwe trapped
you trappedyou trapped
he/she/it trappedthey trapped
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was trappingwe were trapping
you were trappingyou were trapping
he/she/it was trappingthey were trapping
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had trappedwe had trapped
you had trappedyou had trapped
he/she/it had trappedthey had trapped
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been trappingwe had been trapping
you had been trappingyou had been trapping
he/she/it had been trappingthey had been trapping
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will trapwe shall/will trap
you will trapyou will trap
he/she/it will trapthey will trap
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be trappingwe shall/will be trapping
you will be trappingyou will be trapping
he/she/it will be trappingthey will be trapping
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have trappedwe shall/will have trapped
you will have trappedyou will have trapped
he/she/it will have trappedthey will have trapped
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been trappingwe shall/will have been trapping
you will have been trappingyou will have been trapping
he/she/it will have been trappingthey will have been trapping
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would trapwe should/would trap
you would trapyou would trap
he/she/it would trapthey would trap
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be trappingwe should/would be trapping
you would be trappingyou would be trapping
he/she/it would be trappingthey would be trapping
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have trappedwe should/would have trapped
you would have trappedyou would have trapped
he/she/it would have trappedthey would have trapped
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been trappingwe should/would have been trapping
you would have been trappingyou would have been trapping
he/she/it would have been trappingthey would have been trapping
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am trappedwe are trapped
you are trappedyou are trapped
he/she/it is trappedthey are trapped
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being trappedwe are being trapped
you are being trappedyou are being trapped
he/she/it is being trappedthey are being trapped
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been trappedwe have been trapped
you have been trappedyou have been trapped
he/she/it has been trappedthey have been trapped
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was trappedwe were trapped
you were trappedyou were trapped
he/she/it was trappedthey were trapped
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being trappedwe were being trapped
you were being trappedyou were being trapped
he/she/it was being trappedthey were being trapped
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been trappedwe had been trapped
you had been trappedyou had been trapped
he/she/it had been trappedthey had been trapped
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be trappedwe shall/will be trapped
you will be trappedyou will be trapped
he/she/it will be trappedthey will be trapped
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been trappedwe shall/will have been trapped
you will have been trappedyou will have been trapped
he/she/it will have been trappedthey will have been trapped


Common casetraptraps
Possessive casetrap'straps'