-Я разрешу ей отдохнуть в Испании при условии, что она сдаст все экзамены.
-Она сдаст! Она так упорно занималась.
- 1.
- I'll allow her to go on vacation to Spain on condition that she passes all her exams.
- She'll pass them! She studied really hard!
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en - 2.
I'll let her go on vacation to Spain if she passes all of her exams.
She will! She's been studying real hard.
translation added by Aleh LaGold ru-en
-Почему Мария не сказала правду? Разве она не знает, что Петр терпеть не может, когда ему лгут?
-Его последняя контрольная работа была худшей в группе.
-Он менее внимательный, чем другие студенты. В его домашних работах всегда было намного больше ошибок.
- 1.
His last control work was the worst in the class.
He is less attentive than other students.
There were always much more mistakes in his home exercises.
translation added by Катя Сазыкина
К тому времени, когда он вспомнил о записке, которую он положил в карман, его одежда уже была в химчистке
- 1.
By the time he remembered the note he had put in his pocket, his clothes were already at the dry cleaners.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold en-ru - 2.
by that time, when he had remember about the list which he putted in the jacket, his clothes had been on the химчитска
translation added by Nick Mokrytskyi
мне не нравится ни он, ни его старший брат. оба не обращают на тебя никакого внимания , если ты им не нужен.
- 1.
I don't like him or his older brother. Neither of them pays any attention to you unless they need something from you.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en - 2.
I like neither him nor his older brother. if they does not need on you they will not pay attention on you.
translation added by Катя Сазыкина
Что насчёт меня, то я очень люблю посещать различные музеи и выставки.
- 1.
As for me, I'm fond of visiting different museums and exhibitions.
translation added by Руслан ЗаславскийGold ru-en
Также, они(люди) считают, что готовить самому ни к чему, когда можно просто разогреть готовую еду в микроволновке.
- 1.
Also, they (people) think, that it's not necessary to cook something by youself when you can just warm up the half-finished food in a microwave.
translation added by Арина Валитова
Хороша эта зависимость(зависимость человека от технологии) или же нет, решать вам.
- 1.
It's up to you to decide whether this addiction (man's technology/tech addiction) is good or not.
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en - 2.
It's up to you to decide whether this dependence (on technology) is good or not good
translation added by grumblerGold ru-en
Не знаю, приедет ли она сегодня. Если вдруг она появится, сообщи нам.
- 1.
I don't know if she she's coming today.If she happens to show up, let us know.
translation added by Талгат МырзахановGold ru-en - 2.
(I) don't know if she will come today. If she does, let us know
translation added by Vladislav JeongGold ru-en