homework not hoomework
Lingvo Live - the place where you can say communism sounds nice and not get judged because almost everyone is Russian.
Lingvo Live - the place where you can talk to educated people about languages.
Lingvo Live - the place that some people are starting to use as a hoomework-answering machine.
homework not hoomework
or a place to be friends with people who are passionate about languages or foreign in general.
or a place where you can talk about culture and other topics that other people do no talk about in your own country.
А вы подразумеваете, что все русские сторонники коммунизма?
Uly, my thoughts exactly:)
Uly, lol ;)
Uly, ну или так, или мы больше 70 лет вели себя как последние идиоты =)
And believe me, Wingardium, they're not just starting to use it as homework answering machine. They've been trying to do it for ages =)
I cannot copy your commments in Russian, Uly and Igor. :-( I cannot longer do that, so I cannot google and find out what you are saying? May you translate them please?. Thank you.
It's our secret language now,Marissa. We're saying bad things about communism, and we don't want you to hear =)
Uly just asked if Wingardium presumed all Russians supported communism. And I replied that if it wasn't the case they've been acting pretty dumb for more than 70years.
Thank you, Igor.
I thought so. :-) (What Uly said)
Acting pretty dumb...I dunno..beliefs and non-beliefs about a system when you live in the system is not a piece of a cake.
#tryingtolearnabit #Ineedyouheretohelpme#youarepatientenough. :-)
I don't believe that all Russians support communism(I know or a fact that not all of them do), but if someone were to say so on Lingvo Live, no one would judge them. I unfortunately can't type in Russian because I got a new laptop and it only has the default English keyboard.