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Wingardium Leviosapublicó una nota 8 лет назад

nota (en-en)

Lingvo Live - the place where you can say communism sounds nice and not get judged because almost everyone is Russian.

Lingvo Live - the place where you can talk to educated people about languages.

Lingvo Live - the place that some people are starting to use as a hoomework-answering machine.


Discusión (12)

Marissa Zebaduapublicó un comentario 8 лет назад

or a place to be friends with people who are passionate about languages or foreign in general.

or a place where you can talk about culture and other topics that other people do no talk about in your own country.

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario 8 лет назад

А вы подразумеваете, что все русские сторонники коммунизма?

Holy Molypublicó un comentario 8 лет назад

Uly, my thoughts exactly:)

Igor Yurchenkopublicó un comentario 8 лет назад

Uly, ну или так, или мы больше 70 лет вели себя как последние идиоты =)
And believe me, Wingardium, they're not just starting to use it as homework answering machine. They've been trying to do it for ages =)

Marissa Zebaduapublicó un comentario 8 лет назад

I cannot copy your commments in Russian, Uly and Igor. :-( I cannot longer do that, so I cannot google and find out what you are saying? May you translate them please?. Thank you.

Igor Yurchenkopublicó un comentario 8 лет назад

It's our secret language now,Marissa. We're saying bad things about communism, and we don't want you to hear =)

Igor Yurchenkopublicó un comentario 8 лет назад

Uly just asked if Wingardium presumed all Russians supported communism. And I replied that if it wasn't the case they've been acting pretty dumb for more than 70years.

Marissa Zebaduapublicó un comentario 8 лет назад

Thank you, Igor.

I thought so. :-) (What Uly said)

Acting pretty dumb...I dunno..beliefs and non-beliefs about a system when you live in the system is not a piece of a cake.

#tryingtolearnabit #Ineedyouheretohelpme#youarepatientenough. :-)

Wingardium Leviosapublicó un comentario 8 лет назад

I don't believe that all Russians support communism(I know or a fact that not all of them do), but if someone were to say so on Lingvo Live, no one would judge them. I unfortunately can't type in Russian because I got a new laptop and it only has the default English keyboard.

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