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USED TO GO puts emphasis on the fact that they don't do it anymore; HORSEBACK RIDING TRIPS are organized tourist outings on horseback.
WOULD just expresses habitual action in the past with no indication of if or when it stopped.
The element of the sentence that is the focus of the statement should go at the end - in this case, the fact that they did this EVERY MORNING. What was significant wasn't that they went horseback riding, but the fact that they did this every morning.
Uly, thank you so much! The answer is full and absolutely clear ( even more than I expected 🤗)
But I have another question on the subject.
I’ve read such an expression
“We had a horse walk”. What is it an expression or an error”?
Thanks a lot beforehand 🙏🏼
I’ve never heard it and it sounds weird to me.
Ohh, and one more question:
Can the expression “to take the air” mean “to get a breath of fresh air” or it only means “to fly up”?
Thank you!
Ok, I see.
It only means to get fresh air - although it’s a bit Victorian. To fly up is to take TO the air.
Oh, I see now, it all came together.
I’m a bit Victorian myself, it might suit me well 😊
hahahaha, there you are!