Андриолли 1publicó un comentario 4 years ago
Do you have time to check it out?
Успеваешь проверять?
Do you have time to check this?
Do you have time to check it out?
CHECK OUT can mean to look at something someone wants to show you, like a new car, or to look something over to assess it’s condition, correctness, etc. Which one does this mean?
Скорее это означает - (работы) студентов успеваешь проверять? Или : почту успеваешь проверять?
If it’s schoolwork, then you just use CHECK: Do you have time to check this?
or CHECK to see if there’s any mail
Uly, я вот думала: make it здесь нельзя употребить?
Uly, thank you
Tatiana, that wouldn’t work. “Make it“ refers to arriving somewhere in time for something.