Не мешало бы еще между развлечениями освежить в памяти знаки препинания.
этот раз мы играли в компьютерные игры катались на велосипеде ели фрукты и плавали в бассейне
этот раз мы играли в компьютерные игры, катались на велосипеде, ели фрукты и плавали в бассейне
Editadothis time, we played computer games, rode bikes, ate fruit and swam in the pool
Не мешало бы еще между развлечениями освежить в памяти знаки препинания.
Это точно:)
We were playing computer games, ride bicycle, eat fruits and swim in the pool that time.
rode, swam, ate
Да и время должно быть везде одно, думаю, past simple
this/that time - в начало, думаю, с запятой
Спасибо, я ошиблась, но речь идет о каком-то
моменте времени в прошлом (that/this time), хотя точное время не указано) - это время Past Continuous.
И физическая активность описывается с помощью Past Continuous.
This/that тоже были мысли поставить в начало.
Вот что ответили на Textranch:
У них два варианта:
1. At that time we were playing computer games, ride a bicycle, eat fruit and swim in the pool.
2. In that time, we were playing computer games, riding a bicycle, eating fruits and swimming in the pool.
Мнения разделились. :)
И оба неправильные.
Просто that time.
At that time - это "в то время", а не "этот раз"
И не знаю насчет физических активностей, но здесь не "какой-то
момент времени в прошлом"
Сложно и даже очень!
А они лишь только исправляют, они не переводчики, и предложения на русском у них тоже нет.
Uly, that time or this time?
sounds like this time would work better, no?
Can it be both THIS and THAT TIME if you’re talking about something you did in the past or in the present?
Actually, I was influenced by Zoya’s “that time” - I think this is THIS TIME.
Agreed. Also, you may want to say fruitS
No I don’t))
does fruit also imply plural?
Yes, it’s collective here.
Why can't we use past continuous here? (you see, I already now what past continuous is!)
basically, why can't we say:
this time we were playing computer games...
Because when you talk about activities after the fact, it’s better to use the simple past. The past continuous is used when something else happened while you were doing something: “Yesterday we WERE WORKING in the garden when WE HEARD an explosion.”
some many subtle nuances. I wonder if such things are explained in English school books for foreign students.
The only time we use the past continuous to relate a past event is when someone asks us specifically what we were doing at a certain time: “what were you doing last Wednesday at 9 AM?“ - “I was washing my car.“
cool, thanks
"Actually, I was influenced by Zoya’s “that time” - I think this is THIS TIME."
Находился под влиянием my "that time"? Ahaha)))