на какой такой "проезд"?
электронный пропуск на проезд
на какой такой "проезд"?
"проезд" here means a ride in public transportation.
"here" here means "in Russ' translation", not in the Russian text. About the latter we can only guess.
Да и clipper в русском варианте - это скорее билет/карта, чем пропуск.
Clipper is a plastic electronic card used to scan when passengers enter public transportation vehicles (bus, tram, subway...) And I think this is what Natalia was asking for.
And I think she meant the latest events in Moscow. As I said, it's билет/карта in normal life.
Yes, it's very annoying that people, when asking, can't be bothered to think a little whether the question is clear enough or needs additional information/context.
I’ve never heard of a plastic card called a CLIPPER - where is it used?
Ah, it seems it’s only used in San Francisco: