Grumbler, I’m glad this made sense to you - I’ve read it three times and I still have zero idea what it means.
The teacher had strung the class promiscuously round the walls of the room for a sort of trial heat for places of rank
Traducciones de usuarios (1)
- 1.
Учительница выстроила класс беспорядочно вдоль стен комнаты для того, чтобы провести что-то вроде предварительного ранжирования по степени подготовки
Traducción agregada por grumblerOro en-ru1
Discusión (8)
What odd writing.
Thank you for your responses gays, I have copied it it from my app wich provides different stories and I couldn't understand it either.
grumbler thank you a lot and also thank you for a very useful link !!👍👍
Even after reading it in context, I still can’t tell you what it means. Did the teacher put up the names of the students on the wall? Did the teacher line the students up along the wall? It’s very odd English. The author’s writing style and choices of words are very bizarre. It’s definitely not a book I would choose to teach English with. Especially when there are so many other books that are well written and contain exemplary language.
Кстати, GAYS, это гомики 😉
😁😁 Sorry sorry "GUYS" ))