you really know how to bust a robot's groove
Tatiana and Grumbler, this isn't being used in the sense of dancing. It's more about cramping someone's style. Say you're out at the clubs with your friends and you're all living it up, drinking, dancing, talking to chicks, etc. and your mother walks in and hands you a sweater and says "I thought you might need this when you leave - it's getting nippy outside." You could say "God, mom, you really know how to bust a guy's (-or- player's -or- gangster's) groove!" (players and gangsters are guys who consider themselves party animals, good with the ladies, etc.). Instead of GROOVE, you can also use BUST -or- FUCK UP MY GAME - the ability to talk to women.
Uly, thanks for the explanation. Actually, my commemt was a responce to Pavel Shirokov's translation, smth like: Ну, ты и роботу кайф обломаешь. It turned out later, he just copied and pasted his last translations from a site giving parallel translations of some movies. I don't know why he deleted it afterwards.)