⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario 7 years ago
"At noon, when the sun was at its peak, the captain retired to his chamber to get a bit of rest. The sailors lay down under the palms and had a bit of a rest as well."
отдохнула немного
had a bit of a rest
got a bit of rest
had a rest a bit
"At noon, when the sun was at its peak, the captain retired to his chamber to get a bit of rest. The sailors lay down under the palms and had a bit of a rest as well."
В полдень, когда солнце было в зените, капитан вернулся в свою каюту, чтобы немного отдохнуть. Матросы, последовав его примеру, улеглись под пальмами.