Тарас Рощенковasked for translation 9 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)
An illness in the family and later an injury to me had long made clear that growing old could not be assumed.
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Болезнь в семье, а затем моя травма надолго дали мне понять что о старении не могло идти и речи
translation added by Alex X
Тарас Рощенковasked for translation 9 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)
And so six years ago, a thought leapt to mind:if life passed into pages, there were, somewhere, passages written about every age
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И так, шесть лет назад, неожиданно пришла в голову мысль...
translation added by Vladimir G
Тарас Рощенковasked for translation 9 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)
for all of us -- you, me, the subject of his book, age more or less in step, proceed from birth along the same great sequence:
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помогите пжлст, два дня пыхчу, получается бессмыслица какая-то...
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см комментарий
translation added by Руслан ЗаславскийGold en-ru