food faddism
- 1.
- 2.
причудливая диета
translation added by Руслан ЗаславскийGold en-ru - 3.
создание из еды культа
translation added by Валерий КоротоношкоGold en-ru

Though they referred to that particular flight, I read the message as a more universal interpretation of the expat lifestyle.
- 1.
Хотя они ссылаются на конкретный случай бегства из страны, в моём прочтении это сообщение даёт более широкое описание жизни беженца вообще.
translation added by Alexander АkimovGold en-ru

Sometimes you get and sometimes you get got
- 1.
Иногда ты имеешь, иногда тебя имеют.
translation added by Paddington BearGold en-ru

Though they referred to that particular flight, I read the massage as a more universal interpretation of the expat lifestyle.
- 1.
* * *
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold en-ru

Kidney he lives ,pinto he dies!
- 1.
Обыкновенная фасоль - он останется жить, фасоль пинто - он умрет!
translation added by Paddington BearGold en-ru

Though they referred to that particular flight, I read the massage as a more universal interpretation of the expat lifestyle.

It feels like my growth plate is closing from my toes.