Anatol Anatolanswered 9 лет назад
answer (ru-en)
как добрались
how was your trip / flight / drive
(depends on transport)
Anatol Anatolanswered 9 лет назад
answer (ru-en)
Это не то о чем ты думаешь, это хуже!
That's not what you're thinking about. that's even worse.
that's even worse than you were thinking about
Anatol Anatolanswered 9 лет назад
answer (ru-es)
Ты планируешь прилететь в Россию?
do you consider a possibility of going to Russia?
Anatol Anatolanswered 9 лет назад
answer (ru-es)
Ты планируешь прилететь в Россию?
do you plan to go to Russia?