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translation added by MSM Marketing
Author’s comment
Контекст: It is significant, however, that he did not entrench himself in a covering position after the custom of the traditional general, but kept his forces mobile, disposed in a loose and wide-flung grouping which could be concentrated in any direction.
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широким флангом; широко развернутая
translation added by Tatiana GerasimenkoGold en-ru
Author’s comment
Можно ли это лаконично перевести на русский одним словом?
galled into an ill-timed charge
Author’s comment
The effect is that the Gothic cavalry were always trying to get to close quarters, and could be easily galled into an ill-timed charge, whereas the infantry tended to hang back when the shielding cavalry got far ahead so that combination broke down while a gap was created into which flank counterstrokes could be driven.
The Strategy Of Indirect Approach by Liddell Hart, Byzantine wars, page 68
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спровоцированы на несвоевременную атаку
translation added by Валерий КоротоношкоGold en-ru - 2.
втянута в несвоевременную схватку
translation added by L ГBronze en-ru
to take the rubber
Author’s comment
He had taken the first two tricks; on the battlefield of Zama (more correctly, Naraggara) he was enabled to take the rubber by tactically over-trumping Hannibal's former cavalry trump.
("The Strategy Of Indirect Approach" by Liddell Hart)
defeat in detail
Author’s comment
Какой наиболее точный аналог в русском? "Разбить по частям"?
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(разбирать) поражение в деталях/детально/обстоятельно
translation added by Талгат МырзахановGold en-ru
in the shoot
Author’s comment
The cottage was supposed to have central heating – the ad had said so, and there certainly was a furnace down there in the tidy little basement, tucked away in what had once been a coal-bin – but he and Audra had discovered early on in the shoot that the British idea of central heating was not at all the same as the American one.
(IT by Stephen King)
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на участке
translation added by Евгений ЖабаровскийBronze en-ru - 2.
может относиться к shoot - фотосессия, съемки фильма. Тогда early on in the shoot ~ на ранней стадии процесса.
translation added by Alex HrypunBronze en-ru
I lay it at the door of
Author’s comment
Предложение целиком: I lay it at the door of science - not indeed as prime cause, but as the immediate instrument - that life under Modern Western culture is not worth living, except for those who are strong enough and well enough equipped to maintain a perpetual guerilla warfare against all the purposes and idols of that civilization with a view to its utter transformation.
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Жизнь в современной западной культуре хороша только для тех,кто с этой цивилизацией может вести постоянную партизанскую войну, отвергая ее идолов и цели и пытаясьполностью ее трансформировать. Вину за все это я предъявляю науке- как к причине текущего состояния лел...
translation added by Валерий КоротоношкоGold en-ru
caught blaze
Author’s comment
A missile hit the An-26, it fell on the ground and caught blaze, they said.
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обнаруженный догорающим/горящим
translation added by Vladislav JeongGold en-ru
Author’s comment
Eddie opened his mouth to scream and that was when the scabrous fingers of the leper clittered around his cheek and plunged themselves into his mouth and that was when he woke up with that back-snapping jerk to find himself not in the sewers under Derry, Maine, but in an Amtrak club-car near the head of a train speeding across Rhode
Island under a big white moon.
Stepen King, IT
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