Many thanks, Uly.
Шведские психиатрии высоко оценили влияние тетриса на способность психики человека реабилитироваться после стресса.
В частности, ученые провели эксперимент с участием добровольцев, переживших ДТП или ставших свидетелями аварии. Их заставили играть в карманную компьютерную игру по шесть часов подряд.
See below...
Swedish psychiatrists highly valued the influence of Tetris on the human psyche's ability to rehabilitate itself after experiencing stress. For instance, the scientists carried out an experiment using volunteers who had been involved in or witnessed car accidents. They had them play the game on a gameboy for six hours straight.
Swedish psychiatrists highly valued the Tetris influence on the ability of human psyche to recover from stress.For instance, the scientists performed an experiment with volunteers who experienced a road accident or witnessed any. They were made to play pocket computer game for six hours in a row.
Many thanks, Uly.
Маргарита: made play pocket computer - без TO после MADE...
Why, AL ? Passive voice is used with TO.
MADE TO PLAY is perfectly correct
Спасибо , Uly.