имея в собственности автомобиль марки ...
User translations (2)
- 1.
owning a...
Translator's comment
we usually just use the name of the make of car in question: Owning a Mercedes, Toyota, Rolls Royce...
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en3 - 2.
owning a car Lamborghini Huracán Avio ...
Translator's comment
марка = make, но совершенно лишняя здесь
translation added by grumblerGold ru-en0
Discussion (31)
Aleh La, "Possession" - владение, а не собственность
I don't see any significant difference between the two of them in the case above, that would prevent me from using it. Если что-то в моем владениии, то оно в моей собственности, не так ли?
не обязательно. Вы можете владеть чем-то, что Вам не принадлежит.
например, possession of a gun - это обвинение в ношении оружия. кому оно при этом принадлежит - дело десятое.
to Igor: да, можно хорошо владеть шпагой, но она вам может и не и
принадлежать. Но, если шпага находится у вас ВО ВЛАДЕНИИ, то вы почти на сто процентов ее собственник.
Since the question was formal, my version is quite formal too in order to keep up with the style.
Elena, thank you.
Possession - точно неподходящее слово.
Ownership. Car owner.
давайте попробуем по-другому. во-первых, хорошее владение шпагаой, не имеет никакого отношения к слову possess. во-вторых, предположим, я у Вас эту шпагу украл. тогда я буду ей обладать (possess), но не буду ей владеть (own), даже если я хороший фехтовальщик =)
золотые слова)
Aleh, to have something in one's possession usually has a negative connotation and doesn't guarantee ownership. It usually implies that you have something illicit or stolen: He was found in possession of 5 kilos of cocaine and arrested. -or- Local police searched his home and found that he was in possession of a lion and two cheetahs, species banned as pets in the state of Texas.
"I have in my possession [=I possess] silverware that has been passed down in my family for generations." any negative meaning here? It's from MW.
Not necessarily elicit or stolen. That's not always the case. In this case for example perhaps the silverware is part of an estate and one of the children is acknowledging in a legal statement that they actually have it. In other words, the courts haven't decided who it belongs to legally, but physically it's with this person.
In short: your translation doesn't work. It doesn't mean own.
owning a car Lamborghini Huracán Avio ...
CAR тоже лишнее
You can own a car that is presently in your sister's possession while you're working overseas for six months.
Just read Point 3
I'm pretty sure I can find more
Aleh, I'm sure you could too. The internet is teeming with dictionaries that offer misinformation in terms of usage and meaning. This is a perfect example. I've had the same misfortune with Russian dictionaries. That's why I prefer to ask intelligent, literate people about language. To that end, and in order to provide you the best possible answer, I have put this question to the natives and I think you'll find this extremely interesting:
I got it. Thank you for helping with this question!
Absolutely. It's always a pleasure.
owning a car Lamborghini Huracán Avio ...
...and if you were to mention "car," it would come AFTER the make: a Cadillac car, for example.
"Here's proof for your Russian"
Обыкновенные американцы используют слово possessive ,как попало, абсолютно не вникая в ньюансы this fascinating Latin virus.
There's exactly proof for your American .Hahaha!!!
There's proof for your...
IT's just a priory .Too.
Vadim, once again I have no idea what you mean.
Долли , ты савсем очумела, это была цитата из текста по твоей ссылке
Я знаю
"Vadim...I have no idea"
Кто такой Вадим? Это твой психотерапевт?
Read my latest Note and watch your ass!
It's tooooo interesting when you get like "your ass"! Wow.
Американские обыватели вовсе и не знают тонкостей поссессив от Римского права.
Так что за своей Ж- ой