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Анна Калашниковаasked for translation 8 years ago
How to translate? (ru-en)
Именно известные люди творят историю. Когда мы изучаем историю,мы видим результат действий этих людей. Их биографии переплетаются и соединяются в историю.
User translations (2)
- 1.
That's exactly the great men, who have shaped the history down the ages. When we study history, we see the fruit of the actions of those people. Their biographies have been overlaping and merging into history.
translation added by Mike UfaGold ru-en1 - 2.
Eminent people create history. When we study history we study outcomes of these people's actions. History, in its essence, is an intertwining of their biographies.
translation added by Daria Franklin0