Uly, comma is right to use, but hyphen is never used with numbers in Europe. Maybe it is an American way.
восемьсот пятьдесят три тысячи восемьсот сорок восемь человек
User translations (3)
- 1.
eight hundred fifty-three thousand, eight hundred and forty-eight people
Translator's comment
hyphenate the tens and single digits, and only use AND at the end of the number.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en3 - 2.
eight hundred and fifty three thousand eight hundred and forty eight people
translation added by Vladislav JeongGold ru-en2 - 3.
Eight hundred fifty three thousand eight hundred and forty eight people
translation added by Евгения ГрандеBronze ru-en2
Discussion (5)
Hmmmm, not according to this:
"Written cardinals from 21 to 99 are hyphenated –"
So let's reverse the English lesson, yes? Eugenia, you need commas and hyphens!
Eugeniya, what do you mean by "in Europe"? Are we still talking about English? If yes, then you're mistaken, because hyphen is always used with compound numbers in BrE.
I've even found a discussion for you:
Eight hundred fifty three thousand eight hundred and forty eight people
you need hyphens and dashes