Андриолли 1added a comment 4 years ago
The house was in perfect order. Everything was standing on their places, the floor was cleaned, and the curtains were washed. (?)
В доме был идеальный порядок. все было расставлено по местам, пол вымыт, а занавески выстираны.
The house was pristine with not a single thing out of place. They had mopped the floors and laundered the curtains.
The house was in perfect order; everything was in its place. The floors had been mopped and the curtains washed.
The house was in perfect order. Everything was standing on their places, the floor was cleaned, and the curtains were washed. (?)
Это просто попытка, нет уверенности, что это правильно. :)
Юлечка, списывать нехорошо. Переведите сама и предложите свой вариант на проверку.
Я и не списываю. Я написала по другому.
это хорошо
Уж вы-то знаете, что учитель хочет побольше passive voice