⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 6 years ago
Dusya, your "translation" is obviously computer generated. We don't use that type of translation here.
Чтобы и после смерти пастух и Сола не могли соединиться, нойон приказал похоронить девушку на восточном берегу, а останки юноши разбросать на западном.
In order that the shepherd and Sola couldn't be reunited after death, the Noyan ordered that the girl be buried on the east side of the river and that the remains of the young man be sprinkled on the west side.
So that the shepherd and Sola could not join after death, the Noyan gave the order to bury the girl on the eastern bank and to scatter the young man's remains on the western bank.
Dusya, your "translation" is obviously computer generated. We don't use that type of translation here.
Спасибо всем!