SET IN HIS WAYS is what they say about a man, usually an elderly one, who is couldn’t get married or live with anyone because he has been on his own for so long that he only likes things a certain way and would not be able to compromise with someone living with him. He’s SET IN his own habits and is too old to change his WAYS to accommodate someone else at this late date.
set in his ways
User translations (1)
- 1.
живёт как привык/боится перемен
translation added by Tatiana GerasimenkoGold en-ru2
Discussion (8)
Как обычно, очень интересно и познавательно.
He's set in his own habits - он стал заложником/рабом своих привычек. ¿
... is too old to change his ways to accommodate someone else at this late date. Слишком стар, чтобы менять свои привычки и приспосабливаться к кому-то в таком возрасте.
“He was a bobyl, an old solitary man too set in his ways to make any real changes either in his life or in the life of the country led by him. Despite everything he wasn't missing anything and was nobody's fool.” (из ненаписанной трилогии by Igor Leontyeff о старом, закоренелом бобыле, который был сам себе на уме) 😲
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